[b]I Am the Goddess Of:[/b] The Soul, and Fate [b]My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To:[/b] - I can see the bonds that connect souls to one another. - I can manipulate the soul, or a portion of it to go down a particular path of fate. - I can create new paths within moments based on a singular solitary action. - I can see all that was, is, or will be, in a manner of speaking. [b]My Name Is:[/b] Whyspe, The Weaver [b]I was the Creator's:[/b] I was once his spouse. [b]I Gain My Strength From:[/b] Human Knowledge. As Humans grow, so too do I. [b]I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of:[/b] My Realm's name is Akisivan [b]My Realm is a Place of:[/b] Akisivan is almost a purely white void. It is empty, and yet somehow full. To my eyes the walls are filled with the various strands and streams of time and choices, that all culminate into me. [b]To Mortals, My Face Is:[/b] My appearance changes from mortal to mortal. To my knowledge I have been seen as a child, a fair maiden, a crone, and even an angel. [b]To My Kin, My Face Is:[/b] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/006/8/d/arianrhod_2_by_kir_tat-d8ctwgi.jpg[/img] [b]I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:[/b] With me at all times, I carry a tome as well as a spindle. [b]I Have Emerged at:[/b] The Frostfell Mountains