[i][b]"So do you, for a dead man,"[/b][/i] Kayla said with a smirk He looked towards Verrik who started speaking, [i][b] "How did you even find us? I'm not one for fate like you are but it would seem that we are getting another shot at what is right. This just proves that what we are doing here is the right thing for this kingdom." Varrik with smile embraced Fenros. "Good to see you old friend." [/b][/i] Fenros pulled back a little as he was embraced. He wouldn't have minded if one of the girls embracing him but Verrik? Fenros was not the touchy feely type. Though he was only two inches taller than Verrik he awkwardly patted him on the head like a child. Despite the fact he was a year younger, his much smaller frame made him look so much younger compared to Fenros. "Good to see you too again as well. I was only stopping in from the cold, I had no idea where you all where..." [b][i]"I think this is all this should be..."[/i][/b] Kayla pipped in and Fenros glanced at her while shrugging his cloak back into place once Verrik let go. [b][i]"A reunion. Let us have our smiles, our good cheers, revel in our old friendships... and move on. Not enough of us ready anymore it seems and we're a much smaller group. We have two people drinking ale like it's water for starters... So unless we come up with a plan, the path of pushing our way to our weapons and marching on the kingdom will probably get the rest of us killed. The kingdom isn't right - I'll never argue with that, but maybe it's best we find somewhere else to settle? For once in my life... I would like to actually be happy and not so alone..." [/i][/b] Fenros let out a little sigh... He had heard what happened to Desini After the fact. He knew how much she meant to Kayla. He Really didn't lose anyone during the war, so he didn't know how she felt. But he did feel differently than Kayla did about starting a fight again. He never really stopped. He has continued the war in a much smaller scale, disrupting supply routes, faking ambushes from other countries. It didn't do much but it was something. "If we give up I don't think anyone else will try to stand up to them. 'Evil will triumph if good people do nothing,' My father always told me that, and I live by it. What is the point of trying to live if you are not fighting for what you believe to be right?" Scratching the back of his head he looked to the ground. " I Know we don't have much of a plan right now, but we do have the element of Surprise on our side. I'm no tactition but i know that much."