[b]Arsuron Population: 175 Arsur Coast: 52 River Camp: 52 (10 in Rokthan Territory) Lotus Colony: 69 (4 in Society Territory, 2 stationed to construct Yijen Fork Trading Post, 6 in Soruli Territory) [hider=Technological Progress] [list] [*] Copper Working: 3/8 [*] Fire though Quicklime and Water: 2/5 [*] Dolphin Domestication: 2/10 [*] Papyrus: 2/4 [*] The Slave Trade: 1/3 [/list] [/hider] [/b] [b]Explorers in Society Territory[/b] [@Shoggothought] "Who could have thought such a disgusting landscape could exist", one of the explorers remarked as he and his comrades disembarked from the river. They were a ways away, with 2 of their fellow explorers staying behind at a fork in the River to establish a trading post; soon they would be reunited, and after taking their share, of whatever goods they could secure. Within the next few days, a trade route would be created, and shipments would be off to the Lotus Colony and from there, to the Arsur. The landscape was, at its most basic, similar to the coastlines of the Arsur, dry, and grassy. Though this grass was not as robust as the papyrus reeds that sprouted up along the Arsur. The patters of the sand dunes seemed strangely unnatural, formenting dislike and near disgust among the explorers for the sand patterns and the rock formations. After a long trek, the explorers had become tired, and considered sitting down and resting; that was until the explorers were approached by what appeared to be diminutive humanoids with their heads encased in spheres. All attempts to speak with them was met with silence. When the creatures began motioning for them to follow, the Arsuron explorers followed, and after a day of long trekking, they were met in a bizarre settlement. The tired explorers then soon decided to try and communicate though the use of their abugida, drawing pictures and the words underneath or drawing a word and then acting out or pointing to its meaning. When both parties were able to communicate through a mix of the Anrethi Abugida and pictures, they answered the question. They drew in the sand, a scentence of words and pictures that translated to "We are exporers from a far off land at the end of the river. We want to trade." The leader of the four motioned for another to open his bag, which he did so and scattered an example of their wares in the sand, with the question of what the will give for these things. The Arsuron were trading their famous Red Dye, blood red colored wood, salt dried fish, watermelon, and a few of the green and brown malleable stones that were discovered in their seas. The Arsuron also took a look around, seeing the Illis being put to manual labor. Then they wrote something else in the sand "what is the cost for one of them?" [b]Explorers in Soruli Territory[/b] [@Diehard243] It was not long before the explorers had come across shows of civilization. While passing through the rainforest, hit one of the canoes, cutting a hole into it. As the boat was dragged out onto the river's coast, bark was cut from one of the trees and placed over the hole, using bone pins hammered in to fix the hole. While repairing the damage, one of the Arsuron caught sight of something moving in the forests. The figure appeared to be some kind of owl, though larger. The curious explorers followed after the creature, hoping to get a better look. The Arsuron tracked and followed the creature, not sure if they would notice them or not. [b]Arsur Coastline[/b] Progress was slow with the stone, at most they were able to forge blades by grinding the edges of a flattened piece of the stone at an angle against a more granulated stone, but they were at the moment very soft, and while able to cut, they dulled out easily. The flattened pieces were found to bend, and as such, it was determined that if they could be made into a thin spike, they would be useful for spearing fish. That being said, copper was of interest, and fishers were instructed to go to the seabed and collect as many ore as they could find to bring back. Lotus Tribe was given copper ore as well in trade.