Arin did not want to travel alone, but was unsure if he should keep following Deadpool. He decided to stay where Helcrest and Lex were. It seemed like a better option. Although, something told him not to trust the suited one, but kept quiet about it for now. Beast Boy shifted to himself as he looked at Helcrest. "Hi, I'm Beast boy. Some call me BB for short." He smiled as he said this. While still being well-hidden or at least hoping he was, Hunter inched closer to a certain group which consisted of a man with a high tech suit. [i]Another villain, perhaps?[/i] His eyes then came across an armored man(Helcrest). [i]Not it.[/i] He then caught sight of a green man. [i]That's definitely not him.[/i] He eyes scanned the group until his gaze finally fell onto a familiar white-haired man. [i]Bingo.[/i] With that thought, he inched back into his wall of shadows, hoping to make it seem as if he was never there. Vile decided it was time to find some unfortunate person to manipulate. As he walked, he caught sight of red suited man walking away from a group of interesting people. [i]I get the feeling this guy would be far too easy. I like. [/i] He decided to secretly follow Deadpool, creating portals to keep from being seen.