[h3]Malediction-class destroyer, [i]HSV Vespera[/i][/h3] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/fe5f/i/2011/229/0/d/naradi_vamur_destroyer_by_jepray-d46v9l4.jpg[/img] The Malediction-class is something of a black sheep; its unique hull design stands out among other vessels in the Hegemony fleet. A sleek, low-profile body with identical weapon layouts on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces ensure it can bring fire to bear at any angle. The bulk of its firepower, however, is located at the front of the ship - twelve torpedo bays and twelve heavy turbolasers are poised to inflict great damage to vessels in its forward arc. Being a destroyer, the Malediction-class is one of the smaller ships in the Hegemony's fleet, and lacks the raw defensive strength afforded by the hulls of larger classes. However, this is offset by superior shielding, and its agility is beyond compare to ships of similar and greater size. The Malediction-class excels at anti-capital ship duties, thanks to its powerful armament - impressive, considering its size - and its hit-and-run capability. Length-Width-Height 300m - 131m - 22m Class: Space Control Destroyer Tonnage: 67,000 tonnes PRIMARY ARMAMENT 64(8 x 8) Mk 52 guided missile launcher cells; can accommodate a variety of missiles, including those designed for anti-ship, anti-strike craft and missile defense duties. Each cell can house multiple missiles, depending on the type. 12 radar/laser/fly-by-wire guided anti-capital ship torpedo bays. Nuclear-tipped, shaped charge. 12(3 x 4) Heavy turbolaser cannons; mounted in forward-facing nacelles. SECONDARY ARMAMENT 16 Medium point-defense laser turrets. 12 Dual 40mm medium auto-cannon turrets. ARMOR/SHIELDING Armor is rated as 10 meter thick Iridium-Titanium alloy interweaved with Carbon-fiber netting. Outer layer is 2 meter thick nanite-regenative armor. Shielding uses new, Multi-layered Solid-State Plasma Containment technology. Extremely powerful. Also referred to as a "plasma sheathe." COUNTERMEASURES Many (placeholder) chaff rocket launchers Many (placeholder) flare launchers Many (placeholder) ECM emitters located around the hull, providing extremely large amounts of jamming power totaling 120TW of EM radiation. ENGINES Intra-system engines are fusion-powered CARV6 forced-fusion engines providing 1,800,000 tonnes of thrust. X3 Inter-system engines are VAR4 VASMIR drives providing 600,000 tonnes of thrust. X2 FTL engines are Mass-canceling fields combined with Alcubierre Drive technology to provide a 120x SoL rating. REACTORS 5 Tokamak heavy fusion reactors providing .75 YW of power. (Yottawatt) 2 Anti-Matter medium reactors providing 1200GW of power. CREW 323 crew across the ship and all decks. COMPUTER SYSTEMS 6 Main Computer cores manage all systems. All systems are EMP hardened and isolated to prevent hacking attacks. 4 Backup computer cores on standby. EMP hardened and isolated from primary networks. 1 AI assists ship functions; nickname: [i]Kaede[/i] FIGHTER AND BOMBER COMPLEMENT N/A LAUNCH COMPLEMENT WIP