[quote=@MelonHead] I'll fight that character with [hider=Higan, A.S.P operator] Higan (pronounced Hee-gan) Race: Ramor (prounounced Ra-more) a race with a number of similarities to humans, they are humanoid mammals with the same number of appendages. The only significant differences are that they are more tolerant to temperature extremes and can last for longer periods of time without water, oxygen, food and sleep. Essentially they are an all-round hardier race of people. Their skin is thicker than a humans, and regardless of climate always dark olive in complexion. The average height for males is 5ft and females slightly higher, and their eyes are somewhat larger on average than a humans. Their life spans range around 60-70 years, even with their modern medical technology. Gender: Male Age: 28 Height: 5ft 2” Weight: 80kg Appearance: Higan has the characteristic dark olive skin of the Ramor, with broad shoulders and a noticeably muscular body. His eyes are green and his hair is buzz cut and dark brown. He has wide friendly features with an honest looking face, though splashes of scarring tend to mar this image somewhat. The scars are small and livid, running across both of his cheek bones in a seemingly random pattern. They came from exploding glass. In his cockpit he wears a simple pilot outfit which is dark green in colour. The technology of the Ramor has allowed them to produce high-durability weave armour, so despite the seeming simplicity of his clothes they provide him with roughly the same protection as a Kevlar vest. Personality: Course, honest, rough, determined, intelligent, witty, good humoured. Physical Traits: Higan is physically impressive, though well within human capability. He can bench roughly 300kg and run at 15mph, his extensive endurance training allows him to remain fighting fit for extended periods of time. His senses are roughly similar to a humans, though he has slightly greater vision, especially in low light conditions. Skills: Higan is a soldier of the 12th Division, a.k.a L.A.S light armour and support. He has been trained for roughly 10 years to become adept at a number of combat orientated skills, namely. Hand to hand combat Firearms training Endurance training Scout training/Survival training Ranger/Sniper training Demolitions Artillery Armoured Support Platform (ASP) piloting Background: Higan is a member of the 12th division of the Grent Republic's Army, a militaristic state in an alternate earth torn asunder by war. He is unmarried, after recently breaking up with his girlfriend and fiancée of three years, he was born in the republic to an officer of the army and found his path marked out for him. Equipment: A.S.P 14” Steel Combat Knife .50 calibre revolver, 6 shot chamber, 6 additional rounds. Survival Kit (first aid, GPS, flare gun, etc.) Higan’s main combat capabilities are drawn from his A.S.P, or Armoured Support Platform, which is in colloquial terms a one-man mechanical unit with walker capabilities. It looks roughly like the image below. [hider=Reference Picture][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/326/0/2/tiger_shark_mech_colored_by_mecha_master-d5lsyqg.jpg[/img][/hider] A.S.P (130) The A.S.P is actually in Ramor terms relatively low-powered, serving in a support and scouting role alongside mainline forces. Height: 12ft Width: 5ft Weight: 30 tonnes Length: 4ft Armaments: The A.S.P is equipped with primary, secondary and tertiary armaments for a number of different combat scenarios. Primary: 105mm Rifled A.S.P Gun (basically a tank gun) capable of firing HEAT warheads (similar to 3BK-31) smoke canisters and anti-personel rounds (which fire multiple flechettes). Due to the relatively small storage space for ammunition on the A.S.P 130 it may only carry five of each of these rounds. It can fire roughly twice per minute. Rounds are ejected when spent underneath the barrel through an automatic sliding door. Secondary: 40mm anti-material rifle, RPM 20, 100 rounds, can be separated from the Mech without breaking, but it weighs just under a tonne and can’t be fired by anything other than the mech. Tertiary: Anti-Personnel Suppression, Chaingun, .50 cal, 300rpm, 1200 rounds. Armour: The A.S.P 130 is constructed using plates of titanium sandwiching plates of depleted uranium with alumina tiles worked in (similar to Chobham armour). This gives it a relatively light-weight body while offering significant protection from anti-tank measures. The RHAe values for the armour are as followed. Front: 800mm Back: 400mm Sides: 300mm Arms: 250mm Legs: 500mm Optics: 100mm Joints: 100mm Top: 200mm The Armour is specially designed to resist heat. It does not conduct electricity into the electronics or pilot area. Internal heating systems can adjust for extreme drops in temperature up to -100 degrees, at the cost of hydrogen fuel. The A.S.P is also equipped with an Active Protection System, which, like modern day tanks, is capable of confusing heat-seeking and other guided missiles with large concentrations of infra-red. Damage control systems: The A.S.P is equipped with a number of automatic systems similar to those seen in a modern day tank, ammunition is kept in self-contained storage spaces linked to their respective weapon, reducing chance of self-destruction. Fire is automatically fought by internal systems. Filter System: The A.S.P is essentially a mobile bunker, filtering hostile elements from the air. Optics: The A.S.P is augmented with an optical sensory unit with a 180 degree depth of view directly in front. This includes a zoom function of up to 60x, night vision, thermal vision, and electric vision. The main weapons are connected to this system and can target and adjust in 0.20 of a second. The pilot still has control over when to fire, and can over-ride targeting systems to manual control if they wish. Computer System: Linked to Optics, the computer system on the A.S.P can provide the pilot with data based on a rough estimation of a target. It can estimate things like, thickness, speed and weapon calibres. It has a backup system in place in the case of damage to main optics (which are located roughly where the head would be on a human.) where the armour peels back from directly in front of the pilot’s head, allowing him physical view of around 90 degrees in front through a bullet proof double paned window. This is obviously a major weakness, and is only to be used as a last resort. Physical Traits: Strength: The A.S.P only has one available hand unless it abandons its secondary weapon. Regardless, with just the one hand it can lift up to twenty tonnes of weight. The crushing grip of the hand can easily bent metal or destroy rock. The legs of the walker are significantly stronger, capable of lifting up to 50 tonnes of weight each. Though the machine can’t ‘kick’ it can jump up to fifteen feet into the air. Speed: The A.S.P has been clocked moving at speeds in excess of 70mph, which is impressive for a walker, it is the fastest Armoured Support Vehicle in Ramor. Its acceleration is 7 seconds 0-70 mph. Agility: The A.S.P is capable of manoeuvring in tight quarters, but regardless its size is still a limiting factor on its agility. Though far less cumbersome than a tank, it takes almost twice as long for an A.S.P to turn around than an ordinary human, it can however adjust its weapons incredibly quickly and its arms can move at roughly human speeds. Speaker System: The A.S.P may project the pilot’s voice through external speaker systems on the chest plate. Comm Link: The A.S.P has com links similar to those in use in the modern day military. Power System: The A.S.P is fuelled by a Ramor speciality, hydrogen gas fuel canisters with an effective life span of 20 hours in active use. They are stored at the rear and bottom of the mech (obviously protected by the back armour) and are roughly 60cm in diameter. They will explode if hit. [/hider] Unless he's too strong for you, in which case I may just use Anna again. [/quote] Being specifically designed to resist heat is troublesome for my heat based character to fight. I don't mind loosing battles but it would be best if we did a nonranked if you want this matchup.