[center][h1][color=2e3192][b]HSV The Vulture's Claw[/b] [i]YV-7220 Stealth Destroyer[/i][/color][/h1][/center][hr] [center][img]http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac288/CanadaMan7/midlothian.jpg[/img][/center] YV-7220 is a new experimental class of destroyers developed by the Ixythl Conglomerate. They feature many new or even experimental technologies and currently 12 units are lent to Haegemony Starfleet for extensive field testing. YV-7220 has advanced lightweight BNNT-Iridium composite X-Frame™ hull which along with the advanced propulsion systems gives it a fair degree of maneuverability, fuel-economy and great acceleration for emergencies. Its main armament is the previously only theoretical Warp Catapult, a spinal mounted mass accelerator system which uses the warp mechanism to launch projectiles faster than light. It also has standard torpedo and somewhat less standard point defense systems. The ship is classified Stealth Destroyer and with a good reason. It's equipped with a XGV-Y981A3 Controlled Singularity Engine which along with supplying power also allows the ship to enable technologies which normally would be difficult to accomplish. first off the spinning micro-blackhole acts like a gyroscope and allows the ship to perform turns without using its propulsion systems. Second it makes the Boundary System possible. Simulating the event horizon of a black hole the Boundary System absorbs all signals thus when fully enveloped it makes the YV-7220 completely invisible. Unfortunately this also comes at the cost of double blindness since not even the YV-7220's sensors can penetrate this field. Still, the YV-7220's technology is potentially opening a new chapter in the book of space warfare. [b]Ship Name:[/b] HSV "[i]The Vulture's Claw[/i]" [b]Hull Classification:[/b] YV-7220.7 [b]Ship Class:[/b] None (this is an experimental vessel, if it has any that's "Project Umbrella-CSX-1017.I4") [b]Crew:[/b] 456 (27 Officers, 245 Haegemon Navy Crew, 30 Non-Combatants, 54 XC Science Crew, 100 PMC security personnel) [b]Length:[/b] 456 m [b]Beam:[/b] 91.2 m (longest width with the stabilizers is 137 m) [b]Height:[/b] 124.7 m [b]Standard Mass:[/b] c. 123,000 metric tons [h3][b][u]PRIMARY ARMAMENT[/u][/b][/h3][u]EWAC-X11 Warp Accelerator Gun x 2[/u] Large spinal mounted weapon run for almost the entire length of the ship. It uses the YV-7220's Alcubierre Drive to boost a 1200mm warp-assisted-projectile (WAP) up to 270 times the speed of light. This is only possible because the projectile is outfitted with warp-sustainers, a special device which allows an object to retain its superluminal travel speed for a while. Curently the 1200mm WAP can maintain superluminal travel for 66.6 seconds after which it rapidly but still safely decelerates until it reaches sublight speed within 86 miliseconds. As such the projectile's maximum effective range is 36 astronomical units, a truly shocking distance which allows the ship to target enemies from almost anywhere within a star system. Albeit 36 AU range is a mere technicality and in actual combat situations the YV-7220 needs to get much closer to score a definite hit. 1200mm WAP is a complex and rather expensive projectile. Still over 90% of its volume is nothing but solid tungsten giving it the overall mass in the excess of 48,000 kg. The 1200mm WAP has two settings, direct fire and area suppression modes. The latter variation is tampered to sabotage its own warp-sustainer after a certain time past, resulting in the projectile compressing into a micro-singularity and explosively decay within microseconds. The EWAC-X11 is a powerful weapon without a doubt but its limited ammunition and slow rate of fire may even make it an overkill. Also as a spinal mounted gun anything beyond 1.7 degrees of traverse requires the entire ship to move with the aim. This makes the weapon uncomfortable in close combat. After firing the gun the barrel temporarily experiences vacuum energy depletion which makes successive fire unsafe. For this reason the YV-7220 has two EWAC-X11 systems in order to maximize its rate of fire. [h3][b][u]SECONDARY ARMAMENT[/u][/b][/h3][u]850mm Mark 88 Torpedo Bays x 8[/u] Powerful front-mounted torpedo systems mounted at the side banks of the ship. It has several different guidance systems including composite AI control and multiple potential warheads. Nuclear demolition warheads, nuclear-tipped shaped charges and even bomb-pumped X-ray laser options are available. [h3][b][u]TERTIARY ARMAMENT[/u][/b][/h3][u]VLB-72C Multi-Missile Pods (80 tube cells)[/u] Small-bore 200mm missile launchers with diverse range of loads used for interception and all-around coverage. They are effectively cheaper and smaller torpedoes launched only with minimal initial velocity. Missiles are usually the most effective at medium range. [h3][b][u]QUATERNARY ARMAMENT[/u][/b][/h3][u]200 MJ Pulse Lasers x 16[/u] Small-scale AI controlled defensive lasers fit in flexible ball-mounts and shooting 200 MJ laser bursts with the adjustable rate of 6000 to 360,000 cycles per minute. [h3][b][u]DEFENSE/PROTECTION[/u][/b][/h3] [u]3600-8900mm X-Frame™ Protection System[/u] Lightweight advanced composite armor using several different layers to achieve optimal protection with the least mass added to the frame. X-Frame is trademarked by the Ixythl Conglomerate and its main components are heavy iridium layers, aerogel and tough Boron-Nitride Nanotube plates suspended in a highly elastic gel base. Yet even with this the YV-7220's protection is at best considered average by destroyer standards. The entire armor is filled with nanite-regenerative layers, allowing the hull to gradually repair itself. [u]GEHMS-X09A1000 Boundary System[/u] The YV-7220 has the capability to form a field of boundary which emulates the characteristics of a black hole's event horizon. The system is the most efficient at blocking energy or low-mass particles while dense projectiles penetrate the barrier better than they do plasma shielding (especially when compared against low-velocity slugs). Another drawback is that the boundary layer is absolute and even blocks the sensors and communication signals from the origin. As such the Boundary System is rarely used to protect the ship from all directions. Even at full capacity the system is configured to leave small tactical gaps for operational purposes. Albeit unlike plasma shielding, the boundary field is practically invisible to typical sensor sweeps. When engaging stealth the ship tunes the field to cover even these gaps and become practically invisible to most forms of detection. The field is set on low strength during stealth for safety reasons and also the ship crew is suffering from "double blindness". YV-7220 can practically disappear from all sensors yet only at the cost of also rendering all of its sensors useless. During stealth the crew is forced to operate completely blind, navigating via nothing but the computer's predictions. It's possible to lower the field on a tiny section of the ship to release probes, laser comm messages or perform other means to receive fresh update about the battlefield. Yet actions like these always pose the small risk of being found out. [u]Point-Defense Lasers[/u] The YV-7220 has overall 16 pulse laser cannons, arranged in a way that no matter the direction the firing angle of at least 6 cannons are overlapping with each other. [u]Interceptor Missiles[/u] Using the missile pods the YV-7220 can unleash a surprisingly thick cloud of various interceptor missiles. Blast, fragmentation, kinetic kill, multi-kinetic, beehive, angled burst, EMP and even more types of missiles are available. [u]Electronic Countermeasures[/u] Aside from the general jamming equipment via alternating radar and sensor waves the YV-7220 also has 13 advanced subspace EM projector dishes to directly jam the targeted guidance systems or target locks from any direction. Another alternative is to use the boundary field system like a portable wall to block the enemy's sensory feed on the ship. [h3][b][u]POWERPLANT/PROPULSION[/u][/b][/h3] [u]XGV-Y981A3 Controlled Singularity Engine[/u] Complex system which holds and contains a tiny microblackhole of submicroscopic size and control its boundary area to regulate the rate of energy gain. The microblackhole is rotation-stabilized which has the side effect of it can act like a gyro to turn the ship. Seemingly inertialess propulsion is possible with this system but compared to the typical engines or thrusters it's considerably less efficient thus only relied for maneuvers and during emergencies. This power system is rated 0.981YW. [u]Backup Fusion Reactors x 8[/u] They are well-dispersed intermediate size reactors allowing the ship to be run on minimal capacity even without its main engine. They are initiated either by lasers or small amounts of antimatter and each have 2EW power. [u]Gravity Scoop[/u] The YV-7220 raises a conical field of pseudogravity to attract interstellar matter like trace amounts of hydrogen. This material then can feed its blackhole engine or more often this could be used as its main propellant. By the sheer velocity it attracts matter the Ramscoop also acts as a propulsion system, contributing to about 10% of the thrust. [u]Gravitic/Plasma Hybrid Engines x 4[/u] The YV-7220 has an unique duel function engine. Normally it accelerates the matter caught by the gravity scoop and contributes to 75% of the maximum thrust for the vessel. This method is cheap and highly efficient but in case the gravity scoop is malfunctioning the engines can also use up the singularity's own matter to generate plasma and propel the vessel via plasma implosion mechanism. Both process can be also performed in reverse to use the same engines to decelerate. [u]Auxiliary Engines x 4[/u] Plasma Engines mounted away from the hull and capable of vectored thurst to aid maneuvering. Due to their less efficient methods the auxiliary engines are rarely used for forward thrusts but if they do these add 10% to the maximum attainable acceleration. [u]Gravity Gyro-Rudder[/u] Special system which uses the blackhole's gyroscopic properties to maneuver the ship. This is a reactionless pure energy based mechanism and one of the key technologies of the YV-7220. Aside from improving maneuverability and adding up to 5% of the maximum thrust for the vessel this is also the only way of propulsion which remains useful while the ship is on full stealth. This also effectively means that the ship's acceleration is roughly 1/20th of normal while cruising hidden. [u]Alcubierre Drive[/u] Standard FTL drive with only a few modifications to prevent interference with the blackhole. While the prospects are great currently there's no way to link together the Boundary System with the Alcubierre Drive, thus stealth is only possible outside FTL cruise. [h3][b][u]COMPUTER SYSTEMS[/u][/b][/h3] TBA [h3][b][u]HANGAR[/u][/b][/h3] TBA [b][to be continued...][/b]