Elektra finally settled in decided it was time to try out the camp's amenities and food, she was famished. She quickly changed into a pair of short khaki cargo shorts, a white sports bra with a royal blue tanktop and the turquoise Nike Lunas. Then she pulled her hair up into beautiful gold hair cuff that was faceted by polished cuts that made it sparkle like a minature sun caught in a cascade of platinum silk. Back in San Francisco some people had thought Elektra vain because of her attention to her personal appearance never knowing that she was compelled to in respect to Aphrodite. She was sure that her at camp there might be some who'd accuse her of vanity and other social crimes but it was all part of the pantheon games often played out by their children in surrogate of their godly parents. [Color=lightsteelblue][B]"Time to enter the arena of life"[/B][/Color] giggled Elektra as she checked herself in the mirror She headed out of the cabin towards the dining pavilion and was pleased by the stir she caused among some boys and a few girls she passed along the way. She was just about to enter the pavilion when a satyr who was passing by was staring at her so strongly that he ran into a torch post an jumped up chanting "I'm okay, I'm okay" Laughing softly Elektra stepped into the unfamiliar territory of the dining pavilion feeling like exactly what she was; The New Girl. It was the age old ritual of life where the unknowing, unknown appeared amid the established group to be judged and to judge. She had no idea of who was who here, who she'd call friend and who'd hate her for mysterious reasons, it was a dance played over and over again in every school or gathering of young people around the world. Elektra relaxed knowing that in the end it was a game that's opening phase was all physical, she was being appraised by group and individual solely on how she looked. Those that had noticed her were making their appraisals with little fact and mostly emotion. Some would hate her because they saw her as competition or they held themselves in low esteem. Others would use her clothing as evidence of all sort of promiscuous behavior or it's quality as proof of her snobbery and there was little she could do to alter any of that at the moment. She heads over to the table set for Aphrodite and has a seat with a smile. It is all as Aunt Polly had described except that the table she sits at isn't filled with gossiping Barbies, in fact it is empty of campers except for herself.