To say Geb was excided about the mission would be like saying that a nuclear bomb is firecracker. He was all ears for the mission briefing. When the teams were assigned Geb couldn't help but exclaim his excitement with a simple "Whoa woo". He gave a smile to his squad mates. "Team Alpha! Awesome right guys?!" He said as he moved over to them. "Oh right, I haven't introduced myself properly." He then took a breath before his body began to shift. His clothes and body began to melt together, his hair and facial features despairing, until the only thing standing where Geb once stood was a greyish brown mannequin like being, the only features on it's face were two empty eye sockets and a small crevice where a mouth should be. It looked over the group for a moment before the crevice bent into a smile. "Mudslide at your service." It said with unmoving lips before offering a hand to shake to each of them, growing an extra arm and hand to offer his third teammate.