[quote=@Skallagrim] He is in my submitted characters. Skallagrim the Cughtagh. Since he wont be top tier I will be discarding powers for the fight. [/quote]So without the soul-manipulating and other gimmicks, I bet. Well, that seems to be fair. So you are a robed skeleton with some super strength, a magic sword and a dagger which is also a shield. So long you don't take away my soul or do anything weird as I touch you I think we're game. :lol Lynx is a special agent and elite soldier. He has some unique equipment which you may want to check first. My weaponry list isn't full but if you want I can touch it up a bit. Basically I'd add an assault rifle, sniper rifle, combat knife, non-lethal shock knife and some grenades. As for my power it's rather strange but generally it just means my character can perform superhuman deeds when pressured. It generally depends on the strength of the adversity. Sounds like an "equalizer" kind of power but actually I made this as an explanation for him to perform some fun action scenes like the character I'm basing Lynx on does.