With the higher tiered powers that can affect worlds removed, this is what he becomes. He still has the ability to generate and discharge energy and to sense dark energy anomalies. [hider=SKALLAGRIM THE CUGHTAGH- Advanced Tier Only] [b]Full name:[/b] Skallagrim [b]Title: [/b]Cughtagh, the Walker Between Worlds. [b]Race:[/b] Xindhi [b]Age:[/b] Ageless [b]Home Universe:[/b] [i]RolePlay Gateway[/i] Champion of the Dreaming Queen. Like all Xindhi he is a skeletal being with whorls of energy that flow and drift from his eye sockets. The energy associated with Skallagrim is Amethyst. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Skallagrim is tall and skeletal, standing a little over 6 and a half feet tall. His eyes glow with a hideous amethyst light. His face is covered with only his eyes showing. He wears the dusky black leather and mail of the Cughtagh and Aeryn, the queens own explorers and bodyguards. He wears the crimson lined heavy cloaks that signify a Champion and rarely reveals his form unless he has a measure of respect for his opponent. [b]Personality:[/b] Cold and aloof, he has very little patience for most beings. He is a good ally and better friend but he has few of those. He is the favored scout of the dreaming queen, traveling through the vast multiverse seeking experiences and understanding for the eternal sleeper. Though he is a loyal subject, he has his own desires to once again see his wife and his two children, while seemingly impossible; the multiverse is indeed a strange place where the impossible is limited only by the desire to challenge it. [4] [b]Inherent Powers:[/b] Being Xindhi, when damaged he can slowly regenerate himself, however the extent of the damage dictates the amount of time it takes him to reassemble. However even Xindhi regenerative power is limited as overwhelming damage, either magical or physical can be more than the regeneration process can handle. Healing only happens when out of combat. Surprisingly he is able to move with grace and agility. He has the increased strength bestowed upon him by the very nature of the Xindhi, equal to 20 human men, (able to lift/press roughly 2,600 pounds). [4] He can summon his shadow mount by touching his necklace and calling it from the dreaming realms, the space between worlds via his galdhr mastery. (see galdhr manipulation Tier 4-subset 4) [4-8] [b]Inherent Skills:[/b] He is a master of medieval sword combat as well as close-quarter-combat skills involving both weapon and weaponless combat techniques. Having trained through the aeons of existence in these styles. [b]His sword and dagger also confer some powers to him. [/b] [4-8] His sword [i][b]Keefe[/b][/i] is a war sword.The 36” long black blade is nicked and notched through years of use, the heavy steel hilt has runes carved into it from a language long forgotten, the 8” handle allows for both a single or two-handed grip. The sword is 44” long giving him a very effective reach. The runes allow for aesr effects to be enacted upon the sword, creating a thin sheen of seidhr that rides as a shimmering glow a few millimeters above the actual blade. The seidhr-enhanced sword can affect preternatural creatures as easily as it can slice through armor plate. [4-8] His dagger [i][b]Rhiannon[/b][/i] is wide with its blade measuring 17” long and two inches wide, the blade is shrouded in a black pulsating mist that seems to have a life of its own. The thick 5” handle is covered in hide from an animal that only legends only speak of. The pulsating mist is an aspect of galdhr with a simple thought from Skallagrim the dagger can transform into a shield of dark energy/matter. This shield can blunt energy and preternatural forces as easily as it can mundane. [center][b]Xindhi Esoteric Powers, the Galdhr and Seidhr, Patterns of Aesr (Resonance). [/b][/center] What are the patterns of Aesr? According to the Gothi of the Xindhi, the whole universe is composed Aesr, the energy of life, both seidhr (visible) and galdhr (invisible). The Aesr is the energy that courses through everything. It is the electromagnetic surge that is the firing discharges between synapses that produce thoughts in the brain; the impulses that race through nerve endings and is the aura that surrounds all creatures. Since all living animals and plants have the aura, they have some aspect of Aesr residing within them. Why is it called the Patterns of Aesr? The patterns of aesr refer to the vibrational energy that resonates and emits from all living creatures. It is this pattern, this thrum of life that weaves its way through the multiverse and can be felt, tracked and manipulated by anyone who has learned the twins aspects of aesr. Aesr manipulation provides control over more conventional paradigms, such as the origin of life, consciousness, the observable laws of probability, and the nature of subjective experience. Aesr creates a shared experience between the user and those who are recipients of the effects, be it a living organism or an area where a discharge of vibrational energy (aesr) imprints itself into the landscape. These events are called occurrences. Occurrences are recorded in the vibrational patterns of the aesr and it can be drawn upon at a later date and “replayed” for understanding. Those skilled in aesr are adept at reading the events, the occurrences of experience to glean understanding of their surroundings. [center](This is also know commonly in real world magical theory as the principles of Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm and Causation.)[/center] So aesr refers to a collective field of consciousness (resonance/vibration) that manifests in any perspective, context or occurrence Aesr can also be referred to as self-moments which organize themselves as a holos ( a Greek word meaning whole) or complete occurrences that are imprinted in the greater whole of the multiverse. A holo is both a part within a larger whole and an individual event comprised of smaller parts of separate events or occurrences. Thus the occurrence exists as a unique event within a larger collective; and the occurrence also exists as the larger collective within which the individuals experiencing the event in question exists. The Multiverse is an example of a holos, or a whole system and every holos we are aware of is a part of this larger holos. So what is the seidhr? It is the manipulation of the aesr energy that becomes the bodies of all living creatures and plant life. At the end of the cycle of all things; the solids, the liquids and the gasses all melt and coalesce into the aesr again. This is part of the law of the conservation of energy. Those adept at manipulation of seidhr can convert energy of aesr from one form to another, but the energy itself cannot be created or destroyed. Seidhr created effects are usually seen along the electromagnetic spectrum. Since the adept possess aesr within themselves, they can convert their own energies to create effects from energy on the electromagnetic spectrum. It includes radio waves, visible light, electricity, magnetism, microwaves, and radiation. They can also draw the energy from other objects and creatures via electrostatic induction. By creating an electrical field of their seidhr, an adept can create some immense effects. [4] [b]Seidhr Sense-[/b] At the most basic level, the adept can sense different forms of energy, "seeing" up and down the EM spectrum. This ability is the basic "senses" of the adept, they can "hear" and detect sound waves. They can see in the infra, ultra and visible spectrum of light as well as x-rays. While seemingly powerful it is limited by objects which can obscure their vision. An adept can also spread their senses across the EM spectrum, they can search for specific objects or creatures as they extend their senses to look in the various parts of the EM spectrum at once! The adept senses everything going on along the entire electro-magnetic spectrum. The greater the mastery of the seidhr the greater the range the adept has. At this most basic training he can infuse the “runes” on his sword with some aspect of the EM Spectrum. [5] [b]Seidhr Induction- [/b]This ability allows the adept to create an induction field around them that can fuel their other abilities. An adept can overload or shut down electrical equipment, jam radio signals, bend or negate light, create shimmering images that “ghost” around them and other similar effects. By generating a field of electrical energy they can create these effects which can be expanded to encompass a radius out to a minimum range of 300 meters effectively. It can only be obscured by objects hardened or capable of defeating this field. This induction field allows the adept to use their powers in a nearly limitless manner as they are not using their own aesr to fuel their effects, rather the electrical field is drawing energy from the area and converting it for use by the adept. [6] [b]Seidhr Projection-[/b] An adept can project bolts of pure energy, generate electricity, electromagnetic pulses, and so forth. The adept at this point of control begins the transform of their body into pure energy, losing the flesh and becoming skeletal, only powered by their aesr. They no longer eat, sleep or breath and begin losing their humanity. The now flesh-stripped bones are wrapped in the energy signature of the aesr, creating a haunting skeletal being laced with energy tendrils. The adept loses the ability to emphasize with others, and begins seeing and experiencing events that are imprinted in the holos. This loss of flesh is the price of power paid by those adept at using the aesr. Just as the visible universe is composed of seidhr, the Xindhi Gothi claim that the unseen universe is made of galdhr. So what is galdhr? Galdhr is the unseen and unsensed dark energy universe. All matter and energy exists in the multiverse and while the visible universe is felt and manipulated by the seidhr. The dark energy can only be sensed by thrum of its patterns, which can be heard, can be felt, can be controlled by galdhr. At the end of the cycle of all things unseen and in the “dark” universe, the dark energy solids, liquids and the gasses all melt and coalesce into the galdhr again. This again is part of the law of the conservation of energy. Adepts have the ability to sense the dark energy at the most basic and fundamental levels. This "sense" coupled with the ability to "see" along the electromagnetic spectrum is what gives the adept their perceptive senses of the multiverse. [4] [b]Galdhr Sense-[/b] The adept can sense dark energy and its various and often frightening fluctuations. Among other things, they can sense when others are manipulating this dark energy, and the lingering effects of such manipulations. While perhaps not able to identify the exact nature of the manipulation, the energy signature can be used to trace it back the source. When any magical effect is attempted within the adepts range they may detect the weaving of the etheric threads, i.e. magical energies via this method as it deals with energies that natural seidhr senses would not detect. [Subset ability-4] Adepts can create a “mount” from the same foamy dark material, which are often skeletal in appearance and shimmer and shift in and out of reality. These mounts cannot exist in the visible world without focus by the adept. This ability is taught once an Adept has learned to “see” dark energies, as their focus for further understanding of how and why dark energies make up 95.1% of the entire multiverse. [5] [b]Galdhr Impression-[/b] The adept has a strong sense of spatial relationships and can sense nearby "dark space" without using the normal five senses. The adept can also detect the presence of any spatial anomalies, because of the displacement of dark energy. This perceptive ability can detect things like “worm holes” between dimensions. The adept can detect the sudden displacement of objects into "dark space" out to a minimum range of 300 meters effectively. [6] [b]Galdhr Insight-[/b] The perception of tracing the dark energy particles as they interact with gravity allows the adept the ability sense the pull of gravity waves. Thus they can detect the displacement caused by objects as they move. The less massive the object, the more difficult it is to detect. (All objects "fall" and this rate of fall and the interaction of dark energy is what is observed by the adept.) Thus a human walking across the face of the earth can be detected by their rate of fall in relation to the gravitational center of the earth. This insight is the basis of how an adept travels between worlds and dimensions as they simply follow the gravity trails along the dark energy paths. Because of the Galdhr insight ability an adept can easily translate their perceptions into accurate measurement units such as amperage, volts etc. This ability of quantification includes kinetic energy, which allows an adept to determine an object's speed in relation to them if they know the mass. The idea of the Seidhr and Galdhr is comprised in the saying of Hermes Trismegistus, "As Above, So Below" . The visible and invisible universe work in conjunction to create the greater whole. Mastery of both aspects of Aesr allows an adept incredible powers over creation. While all Xindhi have Aesr as part of their structure and form, not all Xindhi are skeletal horrors. The more adept and powerful the user is the less human-like they look until they are ghastly skeletal beings with the Aesr evident in their skulls and coursing along their bones in arcs and flashes of energy. Naturally if a Xindhi no longer uses or employs the Aesr they will slowly revert back to their flesh forms over a number of months until they are fully flesh and blood again. Limitations to Powers: Limitations: If pushed beyond their limits, Dreamers will begin slowing and ultimately falling into what is called the Slumber. They will not wake until 12 hours minimum have passed in which their bodies have recouped lost energies. Some Grand Masters have Slumbered for several of Eons. [/hider]