[color=8882be][i]The first shot woke Tecumseh and his rage was once more boiling, though now it was contained under a cool... efficient, mask that came with years of military service abroad. Someone was shooting in his resort... whoever they are, they are about to find them selves in a nasty position. Tecumseh pulls the M48 out of it's locker and checks it, noting the slug in the chamber, he was about to change it out with a non-lethal round when he saw the shadow of a man on the frosted glass window in his office door. He closed the chamber and raised the rifle to his shoulder, as the lock was shot out of the door. Tecumseh steadied himself and waited for the door to open, not wanting to waste a bullet punching through the door. He knelt behind his desk, slightly offset from the door so it wouldn't block his shot any longer than it had to, and took slow deep breaths, ready to pause and shoot at a moment's notice, as he'd had to do so many times before. Except this time, none of his buddies were here, no one was here to help keep his seething fury at bay. If God didn't pity the fool on the other side of the door, no one else would recognize that there was anything there to pity.[/i][/color]