Well here are my contributions. [hider=Student: Emelia Worther] [b]Name:[/b] Emelia Worther [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Emelia Worther] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/572/sample_e1932e8adbf73b3790517c374e32093f3b48fc15.jpg?574797[/img] [/hider] [b]Nation:[/b] United Sanctuary (Main) and Star Gate [b]Clan:[/b] Shadow Paladin and Nova Grappler [b]Brief History:[/b] Born in Great Britain, her turn took quite a turn when at four years old, she and her family moved to Japan due to her Father’s work at the embassy there. As such she is quite bilingual in English and Japanese though living in a foreign country does have its challenges. Despite being a foreigner she rose up to the occasion, largely in part due to her passion for Cardfight Vanguard. As soon as she was old enough, she started to attend Cray Academy and through fierce determination rose through the ranks toward the top of the class where she is determined to keep herself. [b]Personality:[/b] After becoming one the top players in school Emelia became a bit arrogant about her power. To separate the chaff from the wheat she carries around a special Nova Grappler deck to use against those she believes are not up to her level. Needless to say because of this attitude there are quite a few with resentment against her which gives her a bit of a bad reputation. She somewhat revels in the bad rep and will at times go out of her way to crush someone she thinks deserves it. While fighting she tends to keep her arrogant attitude even when she is losing which makes people think she is just being stuck up. The truth is her arrogance is somewhat of a façade, a way to validate herself and keep up the illusion as one of the best. Inside she is aware that she still has room to grow but is loathed to admit it. [hider= Witch Coven Deck] [b]Deck List:[/b] Witches [b]Starter:[/b] Creeping Dark Goat [b]Triggers:[/b] X4 Black Cat Witch, Milkre X4 Witch of Black Pigeons, Goewin X4 Witch of Goats, Medb X4 Witch of Lizards, Aife [b]Grade 1s:[/b] X1 Barrier Withc, Grainne X2 One Who Decipher Prohibited Books X4 Precious Stone Witch, Derna X4 Witch of Pursuit, Sekunana X3 Young Skull Witch, Nemain [b]Grade 2s:[/b] X3 Inspection Witch, Deirdre X4 Reality Witch, Famm X2 Skull Witch Nemain X3 Witch of Attraction, Adora [b]Grade 3s:[/b] X3 Cultic Witch, Rias X4 Dazzling Witch, Fiana [b]Grade 4s:[/b] X4 Dark Knight, Efnysien X4 Dark Knight, Grim Recruiter [/hider] [hider=Genocide Deck] [b]Starter:[/b] Battleraizer [b]Triggers:[/b] X4 Battleraizer X4 Red Lightning X4 Ring Girl, Ai X2 Subliminal Gray X2 Meteorizer [b]Non-Trigger Grade 0s:[/b] X4 Cat Butler [b]Grade 1s:[/b] X3 Dogu Mechanic X4 Jetraizer X4 Lady Cyclone X4 Queen of Heart [b]Grade 2s:[/b] X4 Brutal Jack X4 Hi-Powered Raizer Custom X3 Hungry Dumpty X4 King of Sword [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Teacher: Eric Adler] [b]Name:[/b] Eric Adler [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Nations:[/b] Dark Zone [b]Clans:[/b] Dark Irregulars [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Eric Adler] [img]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i2/kanami_kazuma/Man.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] Born and raised in Germany Adler became one of the top players in the European Circuit. Dark Irregulars became his go to clan, their overwhelming power being able to crush even the strongest of opponents. His family never quite understood his passion for the game but when the Link Joker invasion began he was one of the few that managed to avoid getting reversed. Soon after however, he decided to quit professionally and became a coach for reasons unknown. After a year of coaching, one of his teams made with all the way to the national semi-finals and so he was contracted by the Academy to become a teacher. Seeing no reason to refuse the offer Eric accepted and has taught at least 2 years now. He takes his job seriously and works hard to ensure his students grow strong and to be able to compete seriously. [b]Personality:[/b] Mr. Adler is a person who can seem rather overly serious in all that he does. This straight-laced attitude can be off putting but there is always an undercurrent of care to what he does that can be seen if one looks hard enough. He also has an iron will and at times can get a bit miffed by careless attitudes. In a fight Mr. Adler can show a bit of a different side. Despite his seriousness, when he plays his love for the game seems to shine through. If the game is particularly good though, a hint of sadness can sometimes be detected in his eyes, perhaps thinking back to his time in the circuit, or perhaps something else. [b]Teaching Style:[/b] He tries to change his style depending on his opponent. For someone new to the game he will try to explain what is going on in greater detail to improve their understanding, pointing out things to consider and maybe a suggestion or two. For those with a firm grasp he will play without holding back so he can properly gauge the student’s abilities and then show them what they could improve on next time around. [b]Deck Lists:[/b] [hider=Nemesis Deck] [b]Starter:[/b] House of Amon, Fate Collector [b]Triggers:[/b] X4 Blitz Ritter X4 Dark Knight of Nightmareland X4 House of Amon, Hells Trick X4 Hysteric Shirley [b]Grade 1s:[/b] 4x Dimension Creeper 4x Doreen the Thruster X4 House of Amon, Vlad Specula 2x Visionary Gemini [b]Grade 2s:[/b] X3 Emblem Master X2 Indifferent Succubus X4 Flying Librarian 3x Indifferent Succubus [b]Grade 3:[/b] X4 Echo of Nemesis X3 King of Masks, Dantalian [b]Grade 4s:[/b] X4 Storm of Love, Kisskill Lila X4 One Who is Abhorrent, Gilles de Rais [/hider] [/hider]