Velice sensed the attack coming and swiftly glided backwards out of range of both the swing and the arrow, almost making it seem like she was on ice skates. She gave her opponent an arrogant grin as her feet touched noiselessly back down onto the earth. "Surely you didn't expect to take my head with that paltry attack? Any other moves you'd like to show me?" She taunted, unbecoming of her beauty to act in such a manner. Her two companions wearily faced their opponents, their battle not going quite as well as the princess's, but they were managing to hold their own for the time being and hoped for a single good strike or two to turn the fight in their favor. Fighting at close range against orcs was not a favorable position, so despite the elves being more powerful overall, this battle was proving to be a very difficult one. They were talented with magic but not nearly on the level of the quick casting abilities of the princess, and the orc's relentless attacks stopped them from having the time to form the complex spells that they needed to win. They needed to make their move... "Gildia, behind me! I'll hold them off, just concentrate on the spell!" The male elf said in their language. The female nodded and stepped behind him and his shield, chanting.