Plot Summary: Beacon Academy...the home of the Huntsmen and Huntresses, whom defends humanity from the hands and claws of the Grimm. It is a facility for training teams of fighters to slay various monsters that plague the world. The academy is run by Headmaster Ozpin. Students with the aspiration to become Hunters, whose duty is to keep the peace within the world, strive to attend Beacon. In order to be accepted into Beacon, students must go to special schools in order to be trained in combat (like Signal Academy) or be invited to the school after showing exceptional skill. There may be other ways to be accepted.
Once being accepted into Beacon, new students have to go through an initiation, where they will be placed into teams after its completion. The curriculum also appears to be rigorous and dangerous, as there is the possibility of death even during initiation. Beacon lies along the East edge of Vale, and has a wide river that runs through part of it. Airships are used to transport new students to the academy. A port is seen at the bottom of the cliffs next to Beacon Academy, implying that you could also arrive by boat, from Vale. Beacon's boundaries appear to reach rather far, and includes a rather large forest and mountain terrain. This role-play will follow the fresh new destinies of two teams in particular, Team [ GAIG ] and Team [ BIKH ].
Important Things: