[color=00aeef]King Kindred[/color] and [color=f7941d]Knight of Doom[/color]([color=00aeef]Troy[/color] and [color=f7941d]Kiran[/color]) [u][b][color=00aeef]The Rebellious One[/color] and [color=f7941d]Ray of Light[/color] in "[color=f7941d]A Passionate[/color] [color=00aeef]Battle[/color]"[/b][/u] As the two approached the training area, they saw many campers training. They were likely trying to get back in shape from the long school year. Many of them didn't have places to train. Others purposefully joined sports to keep on their toes. Kiran entered in volleyball and soccer, but neither truly prepared her for combat. They were mostly to keep her active. Excited to finally feel the rush of combat, Kiran rushed past Troy to grab a weapon. She carefully looked over her options. A dagger required to much focus and speed, for her current physique. Also her arms weren't strong enough for a long sword. Kiran's specialty was double wielding, but she'd need to work up to it. With final certainty, Kiran picked up a well balanced ordinary sword. [color=f7941d]"This one!"[/color] She exclaimed. [color=f7941d]"Hurry up and pick something, Troy. I want to spar you as soon as possible."[/color] Kiran was all ready to go, but Troy lagged behind her, too slow for her liking. Troy rubbed the back of his neck when Kiran ran past him to look for a weapon. He forgot that many of the campers didn't have personal weapons. If it hadn't been for his older brother he wouldn't have one of his own either. She seemed rather excited about this. He was as well, but he was hiding it better. He could finally fight someone that might actually give him a bit of a challenge. With her excitement the way it was now Troy was sure that her battle instincts were in full gear. When Kiran told him to hurry up and pick a weapon he smiled. [color=00aeef]"Don't worry. I already have mine."[/color] He reached into his right pocket and pulled out the rather infamous pen. He placed it in front of him and removed the top before quickly moving his hand out of the way. He didn't want to be skewered by his own weapon. After the top was removed the pen would transform into a Celestial Bronze sword. It wasn't too long, but it wasn't too short either. It was just precisely right. He placed the top in his left pocket and prepared himself defensively. [color=00aeef]"You can start. I don't want to ruin your rush of excitement."[/color] Kiran laughed, [color=f7941d]"You might regret that decision later,"[/color] She teased. Kiran then took a deep breath and focused her energy into fighting. She kept both hands on the hilt of her sword and approached Troy. She decided to start simple and work her way into harder techniques, so she simply slashed at Troy. There was no need to exert herself when she had plenty of time to warm up. She kept on the offensive for now, slashing and occasionally stabbing at her opponent. Troy made a small laugh when Kiran said he'd regret his decision to let her go first. He doubted it, but he wasn't going to underestimate her skill. She was a demigoddess after all. His sword was light yet balanced in his hand. He knew how to work it as much as it knew how to work him. When she slashed at him with her sword he parried her attack before making a counterslash. He didn't plan to go all out at first. This was just the beginning after all. Kiran V stepped Troy's counterslash bringing her to the side of Troy, but still closing distance. She used the close proximity to her advantage and jabbed the hilt of her sword into Troy's side, right underneath his ribs. Troy kept his attention on Kiran as she moved. She was going for a hilt jab and he avoided it by jumping backwards. He didn't land too far back and was able to go back on the offensive. He was one of the best swordsmen at camp. There was no way he'd be going down this easily. He stepped forward making a thrusting motion with Riptide while still holding his position to be able to maneuver and get back on the defensive if need be. He still wasn't going all out since he didn't want to actually hurt her. Their exchange went on, back and forth they traded blows. Kiran could feel her muscles remembering her training. However, she was not using her ideal weapon. Soon Troy had backed her up against the weapon stand. Kiran couldn't find an opening so, she clumsily blocked his attacks. Kiran pursed her lips. At this rate she'd go down. She only had one option left. Kiran side stepped a heavy overhead blow from Troy while throwing her sword to her left hand. She stabbed with her left hand, and used the distraction to draw another sword from the weapon stand. She then quickly slashed at Troy's legs with her newly aquired sword. It was coming down to the wire now. They had been going on for some time and Troy was enjoying every minute of it. He liked being challenged, but he could tell that Kiran wasn't in her element. Even with that in mind she was still doing pretty good and an admirable opponent for Troy. He was able to barely avoid her left handed stab. She was getting better and that switch up was interesting. It reminded him of a movie he watched as a kid, but this wasn't the time to reminisce. She now had another sword. She was a dual wielder. It all made sense now. Her drawing the sword gave him a bit more time to react to her next attack. When she slashed at his legs he jumped into the air as if avoiding a jump rode and sent his right leg to her right shoulder to kick her down. He would've gone for her face, but he didn't want to damage such perfection now, would he? Troy didn't let up once Kiran fell to the ground. He stepped forward and pointed his sword down as if he were about to finish it. "And dead." He reached into his pocket to pull out his pen cap and placed it on the tip of Riptide to return it to its pen form. Troy then placed it in his left hand before reaching down to help Kiran up. [color=00aeef]"Our weapons aren't always our only weapons. You did good. Actually gave me more of a workout than I expected and I expected a pretty good workout."[/color]