Three sheets, it's time to go ham! [@Didos] No offense, but, out of all of the sheets, yours seems be the most lacking. I mean, I'm not asking for too much, but Christine doesn't feel like a developed or complete character. It's mostly her backstory that I'm talking about. You didn't describe her childhood even in the slightest, and didn't mention what [i]lead[/i] her to be a drug dealer. Was she a rebel growing up? How does she know Cyril Noctis? Where does she get the drugs? I think she needs a little more explanation. Speaking of her power, you need to expand that section a bit too. "Teleportation" can be taken in a lot of ways. Like, what exactly [i]can[/i] she do? And, going off her Other section, she can teleport several [i]cities[/i]. Which is pretty ridiculous. [@MrDidact] Your character is alright, but you coded the sheet wrong. You're supposed to put the info in [i]between[/i] the indent tags lol. Moving on, I think, with his power, he could use some heavier drawbacks/weaknesses. I... feel as if the weaknesses you stated are more in-line with limits than actual drawbacks - but even then, they wouldn't be all that limiting. The power is also pretty stronk. Like, if he can go faster than bullets, then how is anyone supposed to land a hit on him...? [@Aphelion] I like Felicia, but I'm wondering if she's a dwarf or not. She's [i]preeeeeeeetty[/i] tiny. And I doubt anyone can watch their sister get brutally run over without suffering some mental repercussions - and the same goes for a near-kidnapping experience. Her power is a bit different from what I was expecting, but maybe I can work with it. First, it should be restricted to solid objects... but substances and the sort. Also, what you put in the weaknesses section are limits. Restrictions. I'd like some concrete weaknesses/drawbacks. I can come up with something, just give me some time to think. That is all. Fix what I have addressed, and maybe we can have some good times.