[b]SepticGentleman[/b] I'm not sure that level of facial scarring is even possible. Becoming that disfigured and not getting it fixed...you'd have to have a reason. I don't think he's fleshed out enough in terms of morality/personality/etc, as he and the other character mainly just seem to be there for the purpose of killing metahumans. His appearance is pretty barebones, as is his personality. If these guys are NPCs that's one thing but if you're planning on using these characters we're gonna have to see some more detail. Why would he sustain these injuries and not seek out a plastic surgeon? What injuries caused him to look like that? Etc, etc. Having disfigurement as serious as he has, you'd expect significant lifestyle changes...surgery, voice therapy, etc, etc. [b]Didos[/b] Physical appearance is going to need to be expounded upon some more, it's too short. For suggestions you could have voice, gait, build, distinguishing features, etc, etc. Personality is at a good start but I'd enjoy seeing more here as well-Verthaven's a dangerous city, and to the economically-minded, it might be a better investment to go somewhere that's got less risk, what with all those gangs running around. Is there another reason she's in Verthaven? What drove her to become a dealer? If she's successful enough to afford yachting, etc, then she must be relatively well-known on the streets-how does she balance a criminal lifestyle with an upper-class one? So on and so forth. You touch on this on the bio, but I'd enjoy seeing a little more detail there as well. As for her powers, it seems like her drugs would fuel her abilities-if so, is she an addict? A high-functioning one, but an addict nonetheless? Teleportation can be a very destructive power if used properly so I'd like to see a few more drawbacks to it. If she's reliant upon her own supply, that could be one such weaknesses. Consider limitations in range and "cooldown" as well, i.e. using it in succession is exponentially more draining, so if she tries to flicker back and forth during a fight she'll burn herself out fairly quickly. [b]MrDidact[/b] Little more on the appearance would be good, personality and history are good. Unfortunately, super-speed is an incredibly powerful ability. He can pretty much blitz anything and, with the accelerated velocity, kill pretty much anyone effortlessly. Naturally, this is kind of problematic. It's going to need to be toned down in order to be accepted. A suggestion would be removing his immunity to his own speed; in other words, he doesn't have the resistance to friction, wind shear, durability, etc, that he currently has. As such, he accelerates faster and faster at his own risk. We'd be okay with his power on that condition. He would need more concrete weaknesses, regardless, as a few of his weaknesses are mixed blessings and not outright weaknesses: not noticing injuries can be a blessing (and a curse, granted), as can the heightened brain function. Remove the faster brain function, make him vulnerable to his own speed, and he'd be okay. Additionally, it should take a pretty heavy metabolic toll-if he's going fast enough to dodge bullets, his body should run out of energy to sustain that relatively quickly. You could consider, instead of having the heightened brain function, it's something he can switch on and off. So he has normal reflexes until he decides to activate his powers. This would get rid of that problem and also help ground him out a bit more, as it'd make him vulnerable to surprise attacks and such. [b]Felicia[/b] First, if you're going to have martial arts as a talent, that's okay, but just be aware that standing at 4'6 and 86 lbs, there is no amount of martial arts on earth that will save Felicia from getting her ass handed to her by someone who knows what she's doing. Not starting a character dick measuring contest here, just want to make sure we're on the same page-we see a lot of character with "martial arts" as a talent on their pages, and while martial arts are useful...well, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. She can be trained and have excellent technique, but she's also 4'6. Even with skill, size and strength can't be entirely ignored, and when a lot of people have 1-1.5 feet and 100+ pounds on your character, she's going to be very limited in what she can do. Her size is also something of a concern-I'm not sure if that's dwarfism exactly, but is there a reason? If you want a small character that's perfectly fine, but if it's the result of nutritional deficiencies or a genetic issue then we just want to be sure. There should also be a little more explanation of the psychological effects of seeing what happened to her friend, most people don't shrug that off. As for her power. This is a really cool power, but object manipulation is very open-ended and incredibly strong without more limitations. Can she talk a pistol into flipping its safety on when someone's about to shoot her? Or convince a hand grenade to pull its pin? Or talk a car into cutting its brake wires? Etc, etc. Just being able to talk to inanimate objects would be more acceptable-honestly, I think with a power like that you wouldn't even need a weakness (beyond the psychological grievances of having to talk with everything/never being alone), but being able to manipulate objects outright is very strong. Willing to be manipulated isn't a suitable weakness as, well, no offense, you'd be the one determining whether or not they were willing. Adjusting their strength is also out of the question, as she could throw a pebble at someone and make it hit with the force of a .50 cal round. I really admire the creativity, but it's an incredibly strong power and needs to get toned down quite a bit. [b]Toad[/b] Ratchet seems good thus far, but I'll be totally honest, I'm not really sure what her power does. I never took physics, so yeah, this one is probably on me. If you could describe it in a different way, maybe, I'd be able to give feedback. Excellent sheet otherwise