[quote=@He Who Walks Behind] [b]SepticGentleman[/b] I'm not sure that level of facial scarring is even possible. Becoming that disfigured and not getting it fixed...you'd have to have a reason. I don't think he's fleshed out enough in terms of morality/personality/etc, as he and the other character mainly just seem to be there for the purpose of killing metahumans. His appearance is pretty barebones, as is his personality. If these guys are NPCs that's one thing but if you're planning on using these characters we're gonna have to see some more detail. Why would he sustain these injuries and not seek out a plastic surgeon? What injuries caused him to look like that? Etc, etc. Having disfigurement as serious as he has, you'd expect significant lifestyle changes...surgery, voice therapy, etc, etc.[/quote] I love you too, Shade. [sub]I'll beef the thing up later you gross jackal.[/sub]