Reaching the Inner Keep without any trouble Lethos found a spearhead pointing itself at his chin as soon as he entered the front arch

"Who are ye? state yer business an' I might jus' let ye live!"

Used to this type of reaction Lethos chose to play the role of indignant noble.

"Cease this savagery at once! I am the envoy of the Lord of Caer Mide and I have business with your Lord!"

Stumbling over himself in a rush to apologize the guardsman spoke humbly.

"My sincerest apologies m'ludd I was meanin' no disrespect of course. There's jus' been so many assassinations as o' late. Ye cannae be to careful y'know?"

Smiling Lethos calmly said, "Yes, I understand." weaving magic into his words he began again "Guard duty can be so stressful sometimes, is it really too much to ask for a simple break every now and then?"

The guard's eyes began to cloud over as he took on a slightly drained appearance. "I jus' get so tired sometimes, all I wan' is maybe a week off o' work."

Smiling Lethos made his way inside.