[quote=@He Who Walks Behind] [b]Fedested[/b] Description and personality are good but we'd prefer a bit more detail. As I think Lone mentioned, a bit more history continuing into the present day would be good as well. Just to be clear, these projections don't have physical matter, right? As in, if you create the illusion of Mike Tyson, Illusion-Iron-Mike can't actual beat the hell out of me, correct? Given his age, I'm okay with his having less in the way of concrete weaknesses, as it stands to reason he'd have better mastery of his powers. Not accusing you of anything, but you should stick with the fatigue angle if that's the main drawback-I've been in a fair number of RP's where people whose powers are physically exhausting are curiously able to keep at it for pages and pages on end...otherwise good. You could consider headaches, astigmatism/blurred vision, etc, from overuse as well. Is he only able to create visual projections? They can't be accompanied by other sensory details? (if so, he WOULD need a more definite weakness, as you could really subtly and effectively kill people by messing with all of their senses) [/quote] No, no physical matter. Think of it as a hologram: you can see it, but your hand would go right through if you try to touch it. Sorry that I haven't seen this before, I'll try to edit some more stuff in. Also, the projection only affects the vision: there is no sound or smell or anything.