[hider=Eva Chilver] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Eva Chilver [/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Earth Mother, Tree-Hugger, Hippie [/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]Twenty[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5’8”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]135 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Knightdale Rows. She lives in a row house here a few blocks from Academy 12. Her house is about three blocks from the beach as well. [/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Platinum Blonde[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Sky Blue[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]¼ Greek, ¼ Italian, ½ English[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]When one sees Eva, a sense of calm and peace washes over them, as if they were looking at a beautiful painting or nature scene. Eva has a very firm, fit body, with an average amount of cleavage and a fit, hourglass figure. She has the body of a dancer, with graceful limbs and somewhat broad shoulders. She looks almost immaculately healthy, with a little mediterranean olive complexion, contrary to her hair color. She walks with an overarching sense of grace and poise, never seeming to trip or stumble no matter what she’s walking on. Eva has a humble attitude and body language. She looks down when she walks and looks whoever she’s addressing in the eyes when she speaks. Her hands are smooth and her body devoid of any kind of scarring. Her face is heart-shaped, with high cheekbones, a small forehead, and beautiful sky blue eyes speckled with green. All in all, she is quite beautiful, and her default facial expression seems to be a kind, toothless smile. Her voice is high and melodic, the makings of a good singer. It’s about an octave above your average woman’s voice. She very rarely laughs more than a quiet chuckle. When Eva gets angry, she seems to go into a shell and naturally draw away. Her smile disappears and she has a habit of hugging herself tightly, as if very cold. Eva’s hair is always a bright blonde, though with the coming of the full moon it becomes lighter and lighter. Eva takes a lot of care of her long hair, usually keeping it in a braid which lays across her left shoulder. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Eva, being a more girly kind of girl, is fairly fashionable. She loves dresses, wearing them even in winter. Anything made of fur immediately repulses her. Her clothing changes a fair bit according to the season. In springtime she’ll wear yellows, seafoam greens, and light purples. In summer she wears whites and bright pastel oranges and reds. In Autumn she dresses more earthy, wearing light browns, tans, and greens. In winter, she dresses in whites and greys. Her favorite article of clothing is a flowing white sundress with a golden belt that she wears on a fairly regular basis. Eva generally wears sandals or flip-flops when out on the town, but generally dislikes shoes, choosing not to wear them when at home or in the woods. Everything which Eva wears is made by companies which do not use sweatshop labor or are made using fair trade. [/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Eva is generally known to be a rather temperamental girl. She is generally kind and sunny, with an almost motherly aspect to her. However, she is known for her mood swings and can become enraged rather easily. Her angry spells can be intense but rarely last long, and by the end she usually becomes happy again. Her temperament has been described as being similar to that of the Earth. Eva is somewhat competitive, but not in the fighting or hunting aspect. She has a fox-like sense of cunning and has worked hard to figure ways out of situations that do not require violence. She is very good at reading others from their body languages or stuff like that, and is good at picking up innuendoes or subtext. Eva is generally a pacifist, preferring not to fight unless she finds it completely necessary. She is a vegetarian because she cannot stand to eat something which was once an animal, and absolutely cannot stand animal skins or mounted heads, finding them to be extremely offensive. Eva has a love of nature. She spends the majority of her time in the woods, playing with or tracking animals. She loves hiking, tree-climbing, swimming, kayaking, stuff like that. She is generally opposed to city life, preferring to live in the country where there’s less pollution and honking horns. When she is in the city, Eva finds herself daydreaming, often staring out of the window at birds flying by or trees growing. Socially, Eva is fairly extroverted. She has a natural grace when talking to people and has had many a boyfriend in her time. She is appalled by smokers, however, and generally tends to avoid them at all costs. She once went ballistic when a classmate blew a puff of cigarette smoke in her face. She tries to be somewhat ladylike and proper, but can lose her temper occasionally and shrink away to contain herself. When Eva is angry or upset, she goes into a kind of antisocial shell where she’ll draw away from people and stop speaking. It is not uncommon for her to cry when in this state. Depending on how much isolation she can achieve and the season (it’s worst in the winter), Eva’s blue periods can last days. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]She spends incredible amounts of time out in nature; hiking, exploring, tree-climbing, playing with animals, tracking, etc. She loves dancing and listening to music. Eva’s music library contains mostly pop, light indie, and singer/songwriter (so imagine things like Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Ingrid Michaelson, Ed Sheeran, Twenty-One Pilots, etc). She’s good with making arts and crafts, especially dreamcatchers, which she learned how to make from a friend of her’s. She loves being around animals and plants, and has several pets as well as a beautiful terrace garden. This said garden grows year-round no matter the weather, and is home to an incredible variety of plants, from Hibiscus to Corn to Tomatoes to Squash. Essentially anything will grow in Eva grows most of her own food so that she’s sure that it’s all organic. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Eva is incredibly dexterous, flexible, and graceful. Dancing and gymnastics have given her an excellent sense of coordination, making her an excellent climber (though that also has a little bit to do with her power). She’s not particularly good with new languages, and has no clue how to fight whatsoever. She has a great singing voice, but cannot play any instruments. Having grown up in the country for most of her life, she knows a lot of wilderness survival skills. She’d make a good boy scout.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]Eva’s favorite possessions are probably her animals, which live in her room. Currently, she owns a European Kingfisher, three poison dart frogs (a cyan-colored one, a blue one, and a red one), a Green Basilisk, a Rhinoceros Iguana named Goliath (which wanders her apartment like a dog), a Mudskipper, and a pointer named Orion. This small menagerie of her’s is kept mainly in her bedroom, and she takes special care to make sure that everything is well taken-care-of. [/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]”Hello little squirrel! How are you today? Oh my! Your family was eaten by an owl last night? Oh, I’m so sorry!” [/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Eva Chilver was born one minute and five seconds before her twin sister Selena. Eva’s mother left when she was very young. She doesn’t know what happened to her, though has always been curious. For the first few years of her life, she bounced back and forth between her uncle and father with her sister. Her father worked on an oil rig, and so was gone for many months of the year. From an early age, Eva showed herself to be good with animals and people alike. People felt comfortable around her, and she was quite the social butterfly. She was smart, too, and her dancing and gymnastics hobbies kept her graceful and ladylike, unlike her sister. When Eva turned ten, she was offered a scholarship to go to a prestigious boarding school in New York for her dancing. Knowing that this would give his daughter a better life than he could give her, Eva’s father allowed her to go, and for four years Eva lived at the boarding school, learning expert dancing and becoming rather intelligent. She returned home a new woman, sophisticated and graceful. She no longer fit in at her old home, and she soon began to feel quite isolated and lonely. So, she left again. This time, she travelled to Academy 218 in Alaska, where she finished high school. However, Alaska wasn’t really Eva’s favorite place due to the temperatures, and so she travelled next to Academy 12 in Verthaven. Here, she is double-majoring in Biology and Environmental Science, hoping one day to become a conservation biologist. [/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Dan Chilver- Father - 50 Selena Chilver- Twin Sister - 20 Ben Chilver- Uncle - 44 [/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b][/b] | [b][/b] | [b][/b] | [i]""[/i] |[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System Animal, Other[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT] [i]Earth Mother[/i]. Eva is the queen of nature. Whenever any living being, be it a human, an animal, or even a plant, is near Eva, they feel an aura of reassurance and warmth. Eva’s presence naturally calms living things nearby, decreasing aggression. Prey animals like deer, rabbits, and rodents seem to flock to Eva when she is near, and predators bow their heads and stop their hunting at sight of her. In her presence, living things often find their natural abilities to be strengthened. Plants grow taller and greener and animals find their senses and natural instincts increased by the touch of her hand. This limitedly affects humans but does not strengthen supernatural abilities. Simply Eva’s presence has an effect on the wildlife around her. The leaves of trees above her thicken in her presence, providing her shade, and animals bow their heads at her presence. This ability does not affect animal metas as much as it affects normal animals, but they too seem to have a sort of reverence for Eva, and are greatly calmed down in her presence. Eva can communicate with animals as well. They seem to understand her speech and she understands the sounds they make. Animals naturally respect her, and wild animals address her as “Earth-mother”. She communicates best with mammals, but can also do the same with birds and reptiles. If around her long enough, animals will begin to obey her commands. If a wild animal sees Eva in danger, it will attempt to defend her. While Eva is unable to communicate with plants as well as with animals, she has the ability to limitedly command plants. She climbs trees so well because at her touch the trees grow footholds to help her climb safer. When she is trying to hide, plants grow thicker around her, shrouding her from sight. If Eva were to fall from a tree, the plants below her would grow thicker leaves to cushion her fall. Branches strengthen themselves when Eva crawls along them, adding to her excellent tree-climbing ability. If she is in major trouble, hard-stemmed plants like trees will actually change their shape to protect her (causing some really wonky-shaped trees in the woods). Being pure, Eva has the ability to clean water of disease or dirt with her touch. [i]Animal Replication:[/i] Another aspect of Eva’s power is that she has the power to replicate the aspects of animals. By touching them, Eva can copy evolutionary advantages which animals possess, like the gills and flippers of a fish or the agility and keen sense of smell of a deer. Once she touches the animal, she can keep their adaptation for a limited period of time, based on the extent of the alterations and the size of the animal. Using this ability slightly changes Eva’s physical characteristics to a degree. For example, if Eva replicates the adaptations of an iguana, she would grow scaly skin, claws, a long tail, and a reptilian face. Her first ability actually assists her second one, as non-domestic animals become calm around her. She can control whether or not the aspects of an animal are expressed or not, so as to avoid walking somewhere with the nose and fur of a deer or something. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Firstly, there is a time limit to Eva’s replication ability which depends on the size of the animal and the extent of the alterations. A rhinoceros, for example, is a very large and heavy animal, and so Eva would only be able to copy the adaptations of a rhinoceros for a very short amount of time. A smaller creature like a poison dart frog, for example, is much smaller, and so Eva can keep its adaptations for longer. The longest that Eva can keep an adaptation for is twenty-four hours, and she can only do such for creatures no bigger than a squirrel. There is also a limited weight restriction on Eva’s powers. Eva cannot break the law of Conservation of Mass, and so she cannot grow much larger than she already is. She has a way around this to a degree, as she can temporarily exchange mass with large or small things which she touches, but once the animal adaptations wear off she becomes incredibly exhausted and often has dangerous weight fluctuations if she replicated a creature larger than herself. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Well first and most obviously, the first half of Eva’s powers only work in rural environments. The concrete jungle is simply not her cup of tea. There are no plants to catch your fall when you’re in the middle of a city block with no trees. Eva’s animal magnetism also does not work on domesticated creatures, as they are detached from nature. The better trained an animal is, they less they will obey her, though animals which she herself owns are immune to this weakness. Eva is weakened by pollution, another reason why she doesn’t live in the city. When exposed to large amounts of carbon dioxide or smoke, she exhibits the symptoms of an asthma attack. Polluted water burns Eva’s skin (I know this seems like it contradicts her water purifying power, but her pollution cleaning has to be activated). As far as the secondary animal replication goes, Eva is confined to use of one animal at a time. If she replicates the aspect of another animal, she loses the aspects of whatever animal she already had in her. Eva cannot choose what aspects of an animal she gets. The power only works on non-domestic animals (unless she owns the animal herself), so she cannot copy the aspects of your average pet dog or cat. Eva is confined to the traits of female animals as well, being female. This means that things like the antlers of a deer buck or the tusks of a bull elephant will not replicate for her, even if she does replicate a male animal. If Eva replicates a male animal, she remains female with female animal characteristics. Also, she has to actually touch the animal, so going to a zoo or something won’t help her unless she breaks into the tiger cage. Finally, Eva lives in Verthaven, California, not the African savannah or the South American jungle. She’s not exactly going to find a tiger wandering through the ghetto or a wild monkey swinging between the power lines. Eva is confined to what animals she has to work with, which are generally your usual North American animals like deer, foxes, wolves, bears, hawks, etc. For some reason, Eva cannot replicated bugs. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT] [hider]Like a splendid doe Eva Chilver raced through the forest, graceful as a ballerina as the skirt of her dress floated behind her feet. Though it was cold and winter, she wore no sleeves and did not appear to feel the cold. Her bare feet kissed off of the snow with every step, oddly enough leaving no footprints. She came upon a fallen tree propped against another and nimbly climbed its trunk, unaffected by ice which clung to the bark. She ran through a fork in the next tree and vaulted into another, landing on a branch that seemed too thin to hold her weight. The branch did not waver in the slightest, however, and Eva crawled along it and climbed across to the top of the trunk, where she rested as a soft wind began to blow through the woods. The woods were quiet now that the stream had frozen, and a thin layer of snow laid across the ground and tree branches. Eva heard a crunching below her; Fred must be taking a walk. She looked down at the tremendous turtle-like man below her and then continued to climb through the trees like a squirrel, never once losing her footing even when clamoring on icy branches. She moved with grace and poise like a dancer. She came to the end of the row of trees and rested on the top branch. In front of her was an enormous oak, bare of leaves and rocketing high above all of the other trees. It was the eldest of all the trees in the wood and happened to be the only tree which Eva had yet to climb. Perched upon the top branches of the tree she was in, she squatted down low and launched herself at the trunk of the great tree. She held on tight to the thick bark, though there seemed to be nothing to hold onto, and quickly began to scramble up the bark like it was a climbing wall. As she approached the top of the tree, she could feel something very wrong. The hand-holds she had been using to hoist herself along the tree were beginning to disappear. As she approached the top of the tree, she pulled herself up onto a branch and heard a loud, definitive “crack!”. She jumped up in the air and grabbed onto a branch above her as the branch below her cracked and fell to the ground where it turned to splinters. Cracks began to echo through the tree as the trunk shook and shuddered. Eva willed the tree to stop, but dead wood was useless to her. A monstrous roar echoed through the trees as the branch Eva held onto split and fell from the tree. Nearly fifty feet she fell, far enough to kill. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. Just as she was about to hit the ground, something soft and vine-like grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in. A nearby pine tree grabbed her out of midair and wrapped itself almost snakelike around her as the tree collapsed. As she curled into a ball and the pine tree’s soft branches wrapped around her to keep her safe from harm, she connected to the tree. She felt what it felt and sensed what it sensed, and it was beautiful. It was near-impossible to describe, the senses of a tree. The sweet smell of pine needles filled her nostrils and the tree gripped tighter as the sound of roots pulling from the earth echoed through the trees and the trunk struck the ground with a mighty “BOOM!” The tree unfurled and Eva gently stepped to the ground before the connection to the tree fell silent. She looked over and saw that in its efforts, a massive branch from the oak struck the base of the pine tree and snapped its narrow trunk. She knelt before the dying tree as it resumed its natural shape and began to die. She placed her hands on its trunk and felt its pain. Once more her breaths were filled with the smell of pine needles. “Thank you, my dear friend.” she said “You have saved my life, and I will be forever grateful.” The tree remained motionless, but she could feel it trembling in her mind. It was strange to feel what a tree felt, completely indescribable with human terms. As she touched the bark of the tree and ran her fingers through the pine needles, the tree felt happy. Then it’s feelings left her and the smell disappeared as the tree died.[/hider] [/INDENT] [/hider]