[i]Opportunity Class[/i], HSV [b]Trapper[/b] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/7/77/Jupitris_1.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130404222810[/img] The HSV Trapper is of the Opportunity Class of civilian interstellar freighters, commandeered by the Hegemony many years ago to bolster themselves in a time of shortages. At 435 meters long, it's not the largest boat out there, but it's respectable. The vessel is propelled by a relatively ancient Orion-type nuclear pulse drive, using the shock waves of a series of nuclear bombs to move. Obviously, this means it's space-use only, with no likely possibility of it being retrofitted for atmospheric operations any time soon. It's been retrofitted two times, each being 'relatively' minor. The first, immediately upon construction, what used to be cargo bays were all transformed into a large amount of drone-related infrastructure, such as holding bays, control computers, and repair/fabrication systems. The second retrofit, which happened relatively recently, modernized the then-suffering, nearly 100 year old ship. The vessels' advanced-for-its-time, yet aging fission reactor, has been replaced by a current standard fusion core, with no frills or additional abilities. The retrofit also included new computer systems, a satisfactory short-range laser point defense system, and updated drone infrastructure, that needed much less volume, boosting 250 drones to 400. This update also added the crafts' actual, ship-to-ship weapons and shielding systems. It now has eight, high-density low-diffusion laser weapons. All together, the main lasers are actually strong enough to very easily disable a cruiser. Its' shields are strong enough to block most standard weapons, yet dedicated anti-shielding weapons and heavier ones in general (such as spinal mounted ones) would definitely be enough to pierce it. All in all, it's effectively the ultimate 'glass cannon' in its weight and age class. It'll have to rely on its' fleet-mates for protection, and assist its allies with its drones and mighty energy cannons. [b]Primary Weapons[/b] Eight HD/LB (High-Density, Low Bloom) Laser Turrets. Rated for a max range of 3,000,000 KM. Able to fairly easily damage Cruiser-sized vessels and down. Able to fire once every 45 seconds, at max power. [b]Secondary Weapons[/b] 32 Small PD lasers, meant to destroy enemy drones/missiles/fighters near the Trapper. Many firing at one target can also damage smaller ships. [b]Armoring & Shielding[/b] 1 Meter Civilian Grade hull/armoring, supplanted at key points by 3 meter military-grade armoring. (Namely, Bridge, engine, weapons) Able to sustain minor damage very well, and should be easy to replace/fix. 2 High-recharge rate destroyer grade energy shields. Relatively easy to pierce with heavy weapons, but it can re-activate/'heal' in seconds, meaning small weapons are effectively useless. [b]Countermeasures[/b] 8 Military grade chaff launchers. 20 charges each. Four near the back, firing in an X formation, Four near the front, firing in an II formation. 16 Military grade flare launchers. 40 flares each. [b]Engines/Propulsion[/b] 1 Orion-type nuclear pulse drive. Uses nuclear bomb shock-waves to propel self, specially made for minimum 'collateral damage', yet still not 'safe' to use in atmosphere, for obvious reasons. Rated for 1.5G acceleration. 8 Chemical Maneuvering thrusters. Mounted at key points, to turn the craft and for combat maneuvering Rated for 1.2G acceleration [b]Reactor/Energy[/b] 1 Medium Military Grade Fusion Reactor. Rated for 1200 Gigawatts. 2 High-capacity Batteries, one mounted in the front, the other in front of the Orion Drive. Precaution in case the Fusion Reactor is damaged. Should power the ship for 20 standard days. [b]Crew Compliment[/b] Aprox. 900 Crew members at any time, assisted by some minor automation added recently. Lead by Captain Reginald 'Reggie' Nelson, a more 'green' captain. Intelligent, and very easily able to think in three dimensions, yet is noted to be relatively 'bull-headed', to put it lightly. [b]Computer Systems[/b] 1 Reinforced high-speed central computer core, home to the ships' basic A.I., called 'Major Tom' by the ships' crew. Somewhat 'dumb' by A.I. standards, but is extremely loyal, and never gives up the personnel. Also, has a self-deprecating sense of 'humor'. 4 Laser-based Drone control systems, mounted externally. While armored, still the most vulnerable parts of the ship. [b]Drone Compliment[/b] 200 'Hornet' Drones. 'Hornets' are high-speed, high maneuverability ovaloid drones with two internal auto cannons, and an on board high-explosive warhead. They can be used to harass, or impact enemy vessels. 120 'Blinder' Drones. 'Blinders' are cylindrical, high speed, low maneuverability drones with mounted sensor-scrambling devices. Meant to disable and jam enemy detection equipments. 30 'Aegis' Drones. 'Aegis' drones are 10 meter, hexagonal drones, that are effectively large, maneuverable shields, that can be used as ablative armor. In a majority of cases, they can actually defend better and less expensively then shielding systems, yet are obviously constrained to only being able to shield the ship or allies with themselves.