The elven male fought bravely, the orc's weapons clashing off his shield while he got some good counterattacks of his own against them, but unfortunately this distracted him from the arrow coming in from a direction that he didn't expect. The female shouted at him to look out a moment too late, as he glanced with unfocused eyes at the iced over arrow in his side before tumbling weakly off the cliff edge, his armor and shield making loud clattering noises as he fell to his presumed death. The female snarled angrily at the loss of her comrade and friend, finishing off her spell with much more energy and gusto then before, unleashing a huge blast of fire at the two orcs in front of her, intent on burning them down to charcoal in revenge for their role in his demise. Velice's swift reactions were too much to allow her to be tricked so easily as she blocked the shoulder slash, although her muscles strained against his power more then she'd like to let on. He was indeed a strong orc after all. She took another step back to dodge the kick. How could an elven princess like herself be caught seen giving ground? Loosing on her of bodyguards to him was already a big enough shame as it was. She'd have to stop fooling around with him and take him and the rest of his fowl brethren out. He tattoos glowed as she extended her free hand towards the ground, calling forth a vine to spring out and try to wrap around her opponent's ankle, forcing his foot out from under him so that he'd fall heavily to the ground and become an easy target.