OK I will take a shot at it. If my lurking in the background hasn't yet been noticed. I have, for a little while now, been thinking about roleplaying again. Though I am a bit out of practice due to being away for so long. So, seeing that this is the legitimate advice thread and I want to learn. I have decided to post here to see if I can potentially get a recap of some of the basics of the arena role play world. It is honestly still my favorite part of the guild to visit. This is despite the fact my character was never really suited for combat. I still structure his CS with combat in mind. To help things along I am not completely behind on everything. For the past few days I have been reading through some of the threads to see what has been going on. So I am aware of the ranking system as well as the ongoing tournament. I am also aware of the mentoring for Bartimaeus as well the sparring match that is being coordinated in the arena chat thread with Important Nobody and Vordak. I am a little behind in reading up on the battles. I've had a head ache that has persisted for the past five days now that has been making it difficult to read. I am also trying to pace myself to prevent another burnout. I seriously over loaded myself last time and couldn't even look at roleplay for months, let alone consider returning. However, I am active now, and am trying to capitalize on my motivated state while it lasts. I am posting this as I am on the verge of sleep, but I guess this is so I can give it plenty of time to get a response while I'm at work tomorrow. Also, wow this post got long fast. I really need to watch the rambling.