[center][b]HSV MICTLANTECUHTLI[/b] [i]Teotl Class Dreadnought[/i][/center] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/a4f6/f/2012/118/5/9/epic_sci_fi_art__imaginefx_tutorial__by_moonxels-d4xtmbc.jpg[/img] [sub]The Mictlantecuhtli leaving the X-7 Tlalocan spaceport[/sub] [i]Description:[/i] the Teotl class was designed to provide Hegemony fleets with highly armored ships, capable of delivering boarding and landing teams directly in the middle of the battlefield; thus, despite being very resistant, Teotl ships are equipped solely for short-range warfare, relying on the Ocelomeh and the Cuauhmeh to eliminate threats. [i]Length-Width-Height:[/i] 950m-400m-420m [i]Class:[/i] Teotl Class Dreadnought [i]Tonnage:[/i] 8,000,000 tonnes at full-load [i]Primary Armament:[/i] 8 Èhecatl heavy plasma cannons; max range 2,000,000 km. [i]Secondary Armament:[/i] 24 Coatl railguns; max range 500,000 km. [i]Armor and Shielding:[/i] Tlalli standard armor (15 m thick titanium alloy armor, plus an additional 5 m thick nanite outer layer.); Chalchihuitl standard shields (eight-layered kino-plasma shield). [i]Countermeasures:[/i] 34 heavy Papalotl class drones, equipped with Itza model laser cannons. [i]Engines:[/i] 5 Toniatuh engines, 3 Tepetl auxiliary engines. [i]Reactors:[/i] 3 Yollotl cold-fusion reactors. [i]Crew:[/i] 4,000 crew, plus the Mictlan Unit (2,000 soldiers, divided equally between the Cuauhmeh and the Ocelomeh). [i]Computer Systems:[/i] 1 single AI, Tlahuizcalli, controlling numerous sub-systems within the ship. [i]Fighter and Bomber complement:[/i] 16 Quetzalli class heavy transports; 24 Coyotl class light transports; 36 Mixtli class drop pods.