Brennus grinned as his blade cut a gruelling streak of red into his opponent’s thigh, and the crowd roared its approval. Respecting one’s opponents counter was an important part of gladiatorial combat however, which explained why the Iceni warrior immediately drew back his right leg and his spear respectively, retreating behind the safety of his shield. Not a moment too soon either, as his foe carried out a clever trick with his spear to splatter sand towards Brennus’ face, forcing him to duck momentarily behind his fairly large shield. The sand scattered off it harmlessly, though he realised with only a moment to spare that the scattering of sand was a prelude to a further attack. On the back foot, Brennus allowed his momentum to carry him back another step, while he turned his body rightward a touch to block the end of the spear with his shield. Fighting at the extreme end of his opponent’s range was doing him a whole world of favours at this point, preventing his burlier opponent from utilising his greater strength while keeping Brennus safe and mobile. The spear point glanced off the right side of the shield harmlessly, though the force took Brennus aback and he almost staggered, thrown momentarily off balance as he struggled to regain the safe distance he desired. To prevent his Spartan foe from following him he lashed out with his own spear with a warding jab towards centre of mass, easily blocked and relatively low threat, but hopefully enough to give Brennus time to regain his composure.