[@Bartimaeus]So I sort of have a map in mind. I have been interested in the creepy plain ever since I saw it in the arena battle grounds thread. WHat do you think? [quote=@Robeatics] Hey, figured I'd jump in on this. Tell me what you guys think! Name: Deadfall Size: Has a 13-foot wide fuselage, about 120 feet in length from captain’s cabin to the very back of the plane. There are two levels, the passenger section and captain’s cabin as well as a forward and aft cargo compartment, both compartments only around 4 feet tall and very cramped. The plane is 25,000 feet in the air above an ocean. Each wing of the plane is about 1,300 square feet. Properties: 1. The walls of the plane cannot be punctured, penetrated or otherwise damaged, but it has four emergency exits at the front and back of the plane that can be opened. Depressurization would almost immediately suck all but the strongest combatants in the vicinity outside. 2. The plane is slowly descending toward the ocean at a steady rate, impacting in about 30 minutes. 3. There is one parachute pack each in the aft and forward cargo compartments. 4. Combatants, were they to go outside the plane, have no given abilities of flight, but can maneuver and grab for the plane with more control and agility than would typically be afforded under typical circumstances, as far as physics are concerned. Player Capacity: 2-4 players Description : An old, 1950s 707 with no pilot and no passengers. The metal on the wings and fuselage is old and rusted, and the engines smoke and emit a droning, immensely loud rumbling that sounds like the distant grinding of a hundred souls. There is a dark, grey storm brewing all around the plane, making it impossible to see where it is going, and through the clouds one can barely make out the sight of black, churning waters below. [IMG] http://www.aviation-history.com/boeing/707_331.jpg [/IMG] [img] http://www.braniffpages.com/1954/images/707227int.jpg [/img] Flavour Text: The very existence of this plane is an enigma, its intent and origin utterly unknown. From the ethereal, muffled noises like shuffling entities coming from the underfoot cargo compartments to the pilot’s cabin that emanates an ice-cold chill, any combatants unlucky enough to find themselves battling aboard will be almost instantly overcome with a ghostly sense of anxiety, doom and superstition. [/quote]