"Dennis where are we?" Scion asked with bit of agitation in his voice as he stared off into the dark clouded skies below. "I am unable to connect to GPS. This is surprising given it connected just fine before [i]someone[/i] decided step onto that abandoned air field." Dennis responds in an equally annoyed tone. "Listen how was I suppose to know it was cursed! It just looked like any other air field! Just...a but run down." He vision shies away from the watch as he says this. "It was covered in do not enter signs and even had the words cursed spray painted on top of them. New you have managed to somehow get yourself trapped on an unknown plane flying with no communications over an unknown in an unknown direction." The watch glows red for a second, and Dennis' voice takes on a gentle yet menacing edge "You even managed to get me disconnected." Scion continues to look away out at the clouds with nothing, but the sound of the creepy roar of the planes dying engine to fill the silence, "Look I am sorry about that. I mean it's not every day that you walk find yourself suddenly whisked away by unknown forces. The fact that whatever the hell brought us here managed to cut you off, even if for only a moment, is a very serious problem. We need to get the hell off this bird, or at the very least, find out where we are." Scion gets up out of his seat and stretches his limbs as he slowly steps into the aisle. "Here I am pinging the plain with the sonar to try to get a rough layout of the ship." Dennis explains as The watch begins to let out soft ping, "The cockpit seems to be accessible from the top floor. It will probably be your bet for finding out where we are." "Good work Dennis. I'll take it from here until I find something else." Scion answers as he begins making his way up the stairs. However, he pauses when he notices that Dennis hadn't answered him," Dennis? What's up? Are you still there!?" "Quiet." Dennis hisses. Scion stands there for several moments trying not make a sound as Dennis had so eloquently instructed. Dennis finally breaks the silence, but the news is not what Scion had been hoping for, "I think there is someone else on the plain with us." "Oh." was Scion's lame response, "I mean is it the captain?" Scion asks with apprehension in his voice. He didn't have a good feeling about this. This entire plane gave him the creeps already. "I don't think so. I keep hearing noises all over the plane, but the sonar says nothing is there. Only one target came up solid, but this fuselage seems to be disrupting my signals. I think it's towards the back. I can't be certain if it is up or down though. Proceed with caution." "Come on Dennis. Aren't I always careful. Heh heh. Eh." Scion's weak laugh dies before it even begins, "I got it." He reaches into his right coat pocket where a small metal chain is clipped to the pocket of his coat. He pulls on the chain and out slips a black tonfa with the chain wrapped around the grip and clipped together. Scion unlatches the chain and tucks it back in his pocket, with smirk on his face he holds the weapon ready to defend against unknown forces. "I am so glad I found that House Key chain. It makes it a lot easier to keep from losing my tonfa in those darn pockets." He says triumphantly. "I guess it's a shame you didn't think of it sooner. You may have been able to avoid losing the Base Canon and the Solar Staff if you had." Dennis says in a mischievous tone. Scion's smirk falls right off his face with that comment, and lets out a exasperated sigh, "Way to rain on my parade Dennis. Alright enough dily dallying, and find this mysterious stranger. Whoever you are I am not afraid!" He yells into the plane as he ascends the stairs. Of course one may have doubted his claim if they could see how much his legs were shaking.