(Car-tea-can whats going on, why did the plane get so loud?) [Its ok little one, let us go find the pilot.] Shadda and Cahrtikan converesed in her mind. Then off farther into the plane they heard muffled shouts ending with "-afraid!" (Car-tea-can! Someone is yelling for help!) [I dont think they-] The demon was cut off as the small girl began tramping towards the front of the plane in her little steps. [Wait!] Shadda quickly stopped at Cahrtikan's warning as a overhead compartment fell open and several suitcases and wires fell out, the latter sending off sparks into the isle. [Be careful Shadda.] (Okay, Car-tea-can.) She then began to go down the isle again at a slower pace until she got to the about half way through the plane, and moved a curtain to the side, stepping through.