Eric Adler gazed sternly at the clock for a brief moment. He had a slight frown as he mentally calculated who would be late to class, there were always some. Did the kids not know that it was a great privilege to learn in this esteemed Academy? Well of course most people still thought of Cardfight Vanguard as merely a game, a very successful and lucrative one at best for those who could rise to the top. The kids did not know that there was more to the game than met the eye. For instance he knew that Cray was a real place, where the units connected to chosen individuals on Earth who became Vanguards. He had actually seen the planet Cray once but that was a different time, now all he could do was help out the next Generation, somewhat known as the Stride Generation. This new generation of students really started to pour in now as the minute hand edged ever closer to the 12 at the top. He noticed one of his more troubling students, Emelia Worther, enter the classroom. She was not troubling because she was bad, it was because she was good but had a rather disruptive attitude, especially toward newer players. There had been a few instances of newer players being trounced and humiliated by her which slowed their progress considerably as they concentrated more on their resentment rather than actually getting better. At the moment he did not know what to do about her but he would figure out something eventually. As she found a seat he looked around at the different students, his brain mentally calculating their strengths and weaknesses. Some were going to need a lot of work to get in fighting shape. The bell rang and it was time to start. He quickly went through roll call, noting those who had yet to arrive, though a few managed to sneak in in time. [color=lightblue]"Welcome to class those who have decided it is worth it to attend. As I am sure you well know, Cardfight Vanguard is more complex than it may first appear. 1st rule of cardfighting, know your own deck. You should realize your deck's strengths and weaknesses, your unit's abilities, and your strategy for success. 2nd, read the flow of the game. Maybe you got a lucky critical and you want to bully your opponent into submission with a quick and powerful offensive, or you may need to conserve cards to guard and make it to late game. Reading the flow of battle will propel you to victory. 3rd, read your opponent, if you understand the kind of deck and strategy your opponent is using you can better formulate a plan to fight them. Do you need to take out their rear guards to ruin their field presence? Maybe you should hold off a turn before allowing your opponent to get their limit break? As Sun Tzu said, 'Know yourself and know your enemy. If you do you will win a thousand battle.' Paraphrased of course."[/color] Mr. Adler cleared his throat once and continued. [color=lightblue]"Of course these are just the general guidelines to good cardfighting. Does anyway have any questions before we begin?"[/color] Mr. Adler waited for a bit as there was almost certain to be a few questions, either about the previous lesson or some general question about the game, there always was.