"You will take me to the front part?" She had asked while removing the curtain coat she was hiding behind, This was good progress since she trusted him enough to come out of hiding, but she still kept her distance which meant she was still uncomfortable around him. [i]"Well at least this is a start."[/i] Scion thought to himself, as he answers with, "Yes I can, and it is nice to meet you Shadda. My name is Scion." He goes to hold his hand out to her, but realizes he is still carrying the tonfa. Worried that he may yet again scare the girl by having a weapon in hand. He quickly puts his arm down and stands back up, letting his sleeves obscure the black stick from her view, "You can follow me then." He blurts out, a flustered look upon his face, "I um know the way, and um will start going in that direction. At this moment, and er...yeah." He starts to slowly starts up the stairs while making exaggerated climbing motions with his legs. [i]"This is awkward as heck,"[/i] he thought glumly to himself, [i]"hopefully she will just think I'm just an awkward idiot and not some kind of psychopath."[/i] He continues up the stairs, letting Shadda follow at her own pace. Once at they are both at the top of the stairs Scion starts walking towards the front of the plane, but decides to quickly ask, "So...Shadda. How did you get up here?"