"Your brother?" Scion had not expected this bit of news. He had been thrust upon this plane by unknown forces, but she claims to have simply walked on. [i]"She isn't the one that brought me here. Is she?"[/i] Scion suddenly felt a lot less relaxed and began to tense up as paranoia once again took hold of his mind. Shanna had helped him to temporarily forget the creepy nature of this plane, but now that he worried that the girl was connected to the strangeness. His fears had returned in full force and were now searching for answers. They were now only a few steps from the cockpit and Scion reaches up and begins to unlatch the rusted cabin door. It doesn't give at first, but with a little enhancement to his arms strength. He manages to wrench to door open to reveal...nothing but and empty cabin. "Well that a disappointment." He says as he steps into the room, but freezes as a very strong chill grips his body. "Oh wow. It is really cold in here." he says as he rubs his arms. He steps up to the control council and looks at the instruments which are unfortunately also in a bad state of disrepair. It was while he stared at this that Dennis suddenly spoke up, "Scion! We have to get off this plane fast!" Scion in response jumped high enough to bash his head into the ceiling. He rubs his head, but answers in a hushed voice, "Hey I thought you had actually learned some tacked and would stay quiet! Now what happened why are we in a rush to get off the plane?" There is a pause before Dennis answers, then in a very solemn tone he says, "The plane is going down, and I can't seem to override it with the auto pilot. It's as if there is already something flying the plane switching it off." "Dennis we are right here! I mean the yoke is right there. No one is flying the plane." He grabs the wheel and starts to pull,"All. I. Need. to do. is pull it!" Scion groans as he strains against the wheel, but the wheel continued to resist and he swore he could feel something actually pushing the wheel further froward. He tries to focus his energy into amplifying his pulling strength, but just as it looked like it would give the entire bar attaching the wheel to the council snaps off at the base and sends Scion flying back into the pilots seat. Scion can only sit there dumbly staring at the detached wheel in his hands unsure of what to do. It is only at this moment that he seems to remember the Shadda had been with him and carefully looks behind the seat. He quietly asks in a not as friendly voice, "Shadda. I don't suppose your brother told you how to get off the plane when it crashes did he?"