Shadda watched as the man attempted to pull the wheel back with all his might. (Car-tea-can! Did you hear that? Something talked to him!) [Be careful little one.] Shadda stayed outside of the door, peeking in at him. He suddenly flew backwards into the pilot seat, his attempt probably have failed. "Shadda. I dont suppose your brother told you how to get off the plane when it crashes did he?" Shadda froze at this. (Crashes?) [He's lying Shadda, lock him in.] (Are you sure Car-tea-can?) [Yes. Please do it.] Shadda visibly showed exertion on her face as she began to cast one of her magics, Puppies! Suddenly two large dogs appear in the cockpit infront of the door, facing Scion, who had his back turned in his seat. They were two large doberman-looking dogs that appeared to be made of shadows and darkness and black smoke. The only part of them that appeared normal were their jagged claws and teeth, along with the steel spiked dog collars around their necks. She then turned her attention to the door way, and a feint wispy blue barrier appeared in the opening. It slowly grew brighter and more visible until it appeared as if blue dye was swirling around in water in the shape of a doorway. This was her energy manipulation. "Im sorry." She said, her hands raised as if she needed to hold up the barrier, even though she didnt. "You are bad."