He didn't have to be present to know his clone had been dispatched, though he wouldn't know how. Stalker smiled his sweet smile, would it confuse Kray again, trick him into revealing himself? 

The Midnight Stalker turned down another hall way, this one leading to his left. He swung his light outward, illuminating the hall way. The game was quickly changing, and Stalker, for all his mute killing intent, was getting annoyed with the crafty goblin that managed to survive so long. 

He decided he needed to hunker down. 

His surviving clone was quickly making its way back to Stalker; an essential part of the plan. 

Picking a dark room, he slid in and hid by the door; out of sight of anyone walking past, as the shadows consumed him. 

If there was anything Stalker was masterful at, it was the art of patience, and waiting for his prey to come to him. Such sweet sorrow, in hindsight, as the goblin could have been a remarkable partner, if his prowess with drugs were to be believed. He hid the light well, not wanting to give anything away.