[Center][img] http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120720032034/megamitensei/images/thumb/1/11/HierophantCard.jpg/180px-HierophantCard.jpg[/img][/Center] [Hider=Gen Itoshi] [B]Name:[/B] Gen Itoshi [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 15 [hider=Appearance] [Img]http://static.zerochan.net/Okumura.Yukio.full.1052244.jpg[/img] Gen is unusually tall for his age, standing 175cm tall (5 feet 7 inches), and his doctor had told him that he could grow a bit more. That alone is enough to make him outstand on a crowd, instead of his clear blue eyes. He has two moles that seem to be aligned and another one below his mouth. When not using his uniform, Gen dresses in polo shirts with sweaters (when the weather allows it), dark jeans and sneakers, lacking any kind of accessories apart from his black-rimmed glasses.[/hider] [B]Arcana:[/B] Hierophant [B]Personality:[/B] In a word: clumsy. In more than a word: Gen is not ill-intended, but everything he attempts to do does not seem to go the way he intends it to. And that is an understatement. That is why many people deny wanting his help when they need it, unless it is absolutely necessary, and even then they would be reticent. He likes to help, but mainly he likes to feel needed and that he is not the odd one out. He seems quite easy to talk to and a very cheerful person, and likes to throw sayings out of the blue which can sometimes be eerily appropriate, while still hiding the memory that torments him at night. [B]Equipment/Skills:[/B] [list][*][b]Weapon:[/b] Naginata[*]Skills: Surprisingly vast vocabulary and equally-surprising cooking[/List] [B]Background:[/B] Gen was born to a family of teachers, which meant that a lot was expected of him, academically speaking. Since kindergarten, he had to spend many hours sitting in front of a book and study so that his parents were satisfied when his report card would come. That was no easy task, for Gen could not simply memorize everything his parents wanted him to. He would get nervous when tests came and he would barely pass, and later he would get scolded for not meeting their expectations. His punishments, then, was to study everything again until he knew it by heart. Until an accident occurred. One day after dinner, they were robbed in their own house. Two hooded men forced the door open and seized them, pointing them with guns and ordering them around. Gen was utterly scared, and so were his parents. What was worse was that Gen could not move; the men would yell at him and his parents would beckon him to go where they were, but Gen was so frightened that his body would not react to them. One of the men pointed him with his gun, and pulled the trigger. Gen did not die from that shot because his father received the bullet instead. His mother cried, and then the man realized what he has done and ran away, his partner carrying everything they had robbed. Gen had the man’s hooded face ingrained in his mind, but he still did not move. His mother hugged him and his father’s corpse lied on the floor before them. From thereon, Gen could not concentrate at [I]all[/i], and his mother did not push him. He had nightmares with the robber’s face, and a gun pointing its muzzle at him. He was sent to therapy, and he still does, and started to develop a sort of clumsiness that he had not had before. [Hider=Hokuto Seikun] [B]Persona:[/B] Hokuto Seikun [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120420035701/megamitensei/images/4/4d/Beiji-weng.png] Appearance[/url] [B]Abilities:[/B] TBA. [i]Unawakened Persona[/i] [/Hider][/Hider]