Shadda looked away as she heard the dogs lunge at their target, apparently immediately making contact. While not looking to see what went down, she could hear sounds of pain, and deep thuds, lots of those. She then heard something sounding similar to something solid yet thin breaking and rip, like plates of wood. Then there was a loud thud followed by cracking and shattering. Glass? No. Ice. [Shadda get ready. He has vanquished your dogs.] Cahrtikan purposefully avoiding the words killed or beat, for Shadda's sake. (Okay Car-tea-can.) "I swear when I get my hands on that girl!" She let out a yelp at that, her face gaining a tint of red once again. "Please! Dont hurt me!" Tears slowly began to roll down her face, and the barrier faltered for a few seconds, but quickly reinforced itself again. A dark humming began to arise very quietly, seeming to be coming from behind the small girl, but it stayed at the same low level, for the moment.