[color=lightblue]"Ishida, you're late."[/color] Mr. Adler casually said without having to look at the young man when he walked in. Then the [i]suggestion[/i] came from Akira. Mr. Adler considered it for a moment, [color=lightblue]"so I take it you are volunteering yourself for this demonstration?"[/color] He said it as a question but it was more of a command really. As this was a school devoted to Cardfight Vanguard there were plenty of ways to play, not the least were virtual reality machines. There was a special cardfighting table to the side of the room that projected the field to the front of the classroom. He used it himself sometimes when he wanted to make a very visual presentation and show the correct way to battle. This time however it would be used a different manner. [color=lightblue]"So do I have any volunteers to face Ishida?"[/color] As it so happened there was a certain hand being raised at that time which unfortunately for her caught his eye. [color=lightblue]"Akiyama, thank you for volunteering. Now prepare your decks and get ready to cardfight, we'll go through the process step by step so everyone can learn exactly how to cardfight."[/color] It was at that point that Emelia Worther decided to speak, [color=yellow]"Sensei, if you let her fight it will take up the entire class period."[/color] Emelia interjected, as she was not feeling like spending a long time going over the basics with the rest of the class. [color=yellow]"Though of course maybe seeing my perfect plays would be too advanced for some and you could certainly use the practice."[/color] The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, tauntingly, fully expecting Asuka to back down since she had accidentally [i]volunteered[/i] to play the game in front of the whole class. [color=yellow]"It is your call."[/color]