"Stupid flippin' Talonflames and their predictable Gale Wings hmfmfggg..." Kate muttered, looking at the results screen of the battle she just lost. Everybody used Talonflame, it seems. To be honest, Kate was getting a bit sick of seeing the same Pokémon over and over again. Granted, these Pokémon, with their power, definitely deserved the usage and all, but seriously? It seemed that Pokémon had turned into a whose-Talonflame-is-better contest in the competitive scheme, especially in Smogon's Overused tier. That's why Kate preferred to use Pokémon not from Overused in her Wi-Fi battles. But looking at her team again... "Dang it, I need to get myself a Stealth Rock user," Kate noted. "That'll take care of those pretentious firebirds. But then I'll have to get a counter for Defog..." She made a mental note to use her trained Mega Banette the next time she played online. [i]Would you like to save this battle as your Battle Video?[/i] Kate tapped "YES"; she could always learn something from watching previous battle videos. She subscribed to some of the well-known Pokémon Youtubers. Haydunn. TyranitarTube. Shofu. Among others. From these fellows she learned how to, you know, [i]not get totally mopped.[/i] Kate sighed and tapped the save icon on the bottom of her screen. [i]Would you like to save the game? There is already a saved file. Would you like to overwrite it?[/i] Kate drummed her fingers as she waited for all the little dots to blink to life on the bottom screen. The familiar jingle played, and Kate closed the 3DS, putting her [i]Alpha Sapphire[/i] in sleep mode.