Mr. Adler was none-too-impressed by Emelia's attitude and consider what the best course of action was. Now was not the time to deal with Emelia, this was time to learn. He almost smiled at Asuka's answer but managed to keep his professional and somewhat stern gaze, "Well thought out. While you certainly could learn by watching and taking notes, the best way to get a feel for the deck is to try it out on your own. That being said I'll try to help along the way." Emelia sighed and thought about saying something else, but decided to resign herself to fate and boredom. Putting one elbow on her desk she put her hand on her cheek and watched as the teacher set everything up for the two fighters. Mr. Adler was thankful she had decided to back off for now. [color=lightblue]"Now, if you would both find your starting vanguards and put them face-down on the vanguard circle."[/color] As he spoke, Mr. Adler started to fiddle with the virtual reality controls, making sure the images would be bright and clear for the rest to see. [color=lightblue]"Now imagine, your spirit has descended on the planet Cray, defenseless in your astral form, but you are a Vanguard! As a vanguard you have a connection with your units and so you can call upon their power as your own. There is a bond between the clan and the vanguard that is not easily broken."[/color] As Mr. Adler spoke there seemed to be an honest fondness in his voice, though this was offset both by his looks, and bored look Emelia was giving them, as she believed in her own strength rather than that of some mythical planet. [color=lightblue]"Imagine yourselves on that planet, preparing for battle. Make sure you start out with 5 cards in your hands, you get one chance to mulligan any cards you don't want so try to get at least one grade 1, 2, and 3 in your hand if possible for smooth ride phases. As Ishida has more experience he with start the game."[/color] Mr. Adler gave them the go ahead to begin.