I am all up in the middle of trying to write a CS (in spite of earlier comments which may or may not have implied I would have one all sizzled up by now) but I am running into a couple of issues that might be isolated to me, or could be common to however many people are also in the in utero stage of their sheet. While I have a pretty good grasp of the races involved and the general premise behind the setting, much of it still eludes me. I'm not 100% on where the level of technology is as there is a sci-fi tag and a picture of a fairly modern city, but besides that no real sign what the state of tech is. Is the Gaia/Earth of the setting the same as ours (if worse for wear), or another beast altogether? My money would be on the latter since there are psychics and such (but maybe this is just an effect of the realms converging?). Without a firm base of knowledge for how this world works, I feel like I'm walking on thin ice trying to establish my character in this world. For instance, I thought it would be fun if they grew up as part of a traveling caravan that made a living scavenging the remains of cities that existed before the veil thinned. But I'm hesitant to do this, as I'm unsure if that would be a thing that people would do in this setting. If it is, what would that look like? Do people currently use wooden carriages and beasts of burden to carry them? Do cars exist? Could this be like, a caravan of old buses and Volkswagen vans? What sort of skills do people have in this world? Are there firearms? Would it be stupid to make my character use a melee weapon? I just feel hesitant to put any great amount of effort into any aspect of my character, as I have this background fear that I'm making too many assumptions about the world that don't mesh with the vision you guys have for it. I'm really sorry if this sounds like complaining or something. This genuinely looks really fun and like there was more effort put into it than a lot of RPs I've seen, but I just want a little clearer an idea of how this world works.