[@Vash] I mentioned why Reapers weren't playable in the rules. I plan to make them so later on, but, I mean, they control death, the soul, and a lot of other things that I don't want to put in the hands of a player until I've figured out how to properly nerf them. [@TurboTuber] I'll get to work on a write up for the tech, and I'm sorry it wasn't there before. Ah, there are people that live outside the last city, as well as under it (the only [i]modern[/i] city left) they live within the ruins of previous cities. I'll explain more in my write-up, hopefully. The short version of tech though, is think holograms, lasers, cybernetics, etc. I should also note that most of the people within the last city (save for the government) don't know about those who live outside it. They think that if they go outside, they will die. I'm sorry, I'm sure this is confusing, I'll get start on the write up today. Hopefully I'll have it finished.