Nyima nodded her head when he gave in and agreed to take her under his wing yet again. She did her best to hide her excitement, "Thank you, Rayn..." She looked over at the stove and smiled at him, "Don't forget to get something to eat... Or else I'm going to tell Mrs. Chan that you skipped a meal," she placed her hands on her hips and looked him straight in the eye. After a moment, she rose her eyebrows before turning and walking into her room. She slowly closed her door behind her, shutting it quietly in contrast to slamming it moments earlier. Once in the quiet of her own room, she did a small happy dance. Sure, Rayn wasn't a hundred percent on board with it but he was going along with it. If she had wanted to join the army back home, her brother would have tied her to a chair before agreeing to partner up with her to keep her safe. She changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed. As excited as she was, being angry made her tired, so she curled up and quickly drifted to sleep. ~~~~ The next morning, Nyima was making the two of them breakfast when she looked at Rayn. She pursed her lips, "So... How is this going to work? You don't normally come home before you go off on your off duty business... Do I meet with you somewhere? Or are you going to start coming back here?"