Kotagnac successfully cutting the bond on his leg was caught off gaurd by a kick to the ribs from his left, as he couldnt notice his foe on the ground beside him. There was an audible crack, the tell-tale sign of a broken rib. "Ack! You swine!" He had unnfortunately dropped his shield in the commotion, so his only choice was to block it with his...bare...hands. He put his hands up to defend from a kick and, surely dreadfull news to his opponent, there was a card in one of his palms. "Magic: Fireball!" This was his second time using this card, as he had already went through his minute deck. Hopefully this would deal significant damage to the elf's nearly bare legs, maybe overpowering her magic or matching it enough to deter her, even though this fireball was a relatively weak magic, it had Kotagnac's physical strength behind it.