The tackle had been successful and Scion had managed to get Shadda on the ground, but as expected, Shadda was not happy about this and began screaming and wailing at him, "Get off me! Car-tea-can help!" [i]"Who the hell is Car-tea-can?" [/i]is all Scion had time to think as things took a turn for the horrible and scary as shit. The cockpit lit up as every single kind of alarm was tripped and turned up to full blast. The oxygen masks fell from the ceiling and began rattling against the seats, and even the bathrooms had decided to start throwing their own party. However the thing that made a chill run down Scion's spin was the sudden voice, of a very pissed off sounding, probably ethereal being, yelling at him, "Do not contaminate her innocence with your foolish insolence you grub!" Scion did not like the way the situation had just escalated. He had suspected that the girl may have known something about the plane, but hadn't expected her to actually know the thing controlling it. He was at a loss for what to do. He had planned to knock her out if restraining her didn't work, but now he doubted that would change anything. [i]"What do I do? What do I fucking do?!"[/i] Scion kept thinking to himself, until he was interrupted by Dennis yelling at him. "Scion the backpack!" Dennis screeched, in time for Scion to look down and see the strange teddy bear backpack the girl was wearing tear open, and black tendril start bursting out of it. Scion saw that they were moving behind him and looked in time to see a large shadowy hand descending upon him. Having moments to react, Scion's desperately to his left to narrowly avoiding getting grabbed. His arm ends up brushing against the dark hand and a uncomfortable chill runs through it. He ends up crashing against the wall to the left of Shadda and notices that he is against the exit door. In a split second decision, he reaches for the red handle and grips it with his hand, then diverting all his energy into his voice he yells into the plain with a volume to compete with the spirits, "Stop right there Car-tea-can or I pull this lever and send the girl and I blasting out of this plane and plummeting to an early grave!" It was a bluff, mostly, but they had no reason to doubt him plus, [i]"If I'm honest with myself,"[/i] he thought to himself. [i]"The girl is going to die anyway if the plane hit the ground, so it really didn't matter one way or the other if she is still in the plane when hits. No dam it!" don't think that way. There has still got to be a way to save the girl! I can only hope that this Car-tea-can is sensible."[/i] He really didn't know what else to do other then wait and see how the voice responds to his threat.