[b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [b]Name: [/b] Ember L. Calder [b]Alias:[/b] Ember (Because he's not really that clever.) [b]Age: [/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Ember has done gymnastics since a young age. This started as a way to force Ember to socialize but he ended up loving it. He knows some hand-to-hand combat if you consider P90X a trustworthy source for hand-to-hand combat. Ember is also decent at acting and has been apart of every play his school has offered. [b]Powers:[/b] Fire. This ability has made it absolutely impossible for Ember to ever have a babysitter since he sometimes burps fire. He can manipulate fire and literally "create" flames. However, the creation of flames is usually do to carbon dioxide and/or heat in the air. Ember's body temperature also runs higher than normal. However, he [i]cannot[/i] punch his fist at a building and it burst into flames. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]Water:[/i] Ember is like a cat. He refuses to go near water until he literally has flies following him. Water causes his powers to short circuit and they stop working until he's dry again. [i]The Freezer:[/i] Although this doesn't stop his powers being in a freezer does make it harder for him to use them. He found this out when his older brother locked him in their freezer. It wasn't fun. [i]Sea life:[/i] He doesn't trust anything that can only live in water. He refuses to ever go to any Sea World or aquarium. [i]School Work:[/i] He has trouble focusing and every subject is just so boring. He does love Drama Class though. [i]Marshmallows:[/i] Offer him marshmallows and he will lower his morals to frightening levels. [b]Equipment:[/b] His cellphone, a standard pocket knife, and his wallet. [b]Personality: [/b] Ember is... eccentric.When he isn't acting or with the Drama Club, he prefers being by himself. Even during gymnastic class, he tends to stay on the quieter side and will read a book or comic until it's his turn to practice or learn something. He's very picky when it comes to choosing friends, and it takes him time to warm up to people. However, once he clicks with someone he becomes completely loyal and would seriously help them bury a body. Ember has an irrational, though he thinks it's pretty rational, of sea animals. For this reason, he'll avoid watching Animal Planet and not show up to school on the days the cafeteria is serving fish. [b]History:[/b] Ember Lee Calder was born to Fawn Calder who was a single mother at the time. Two months into her pregnancy, her husband had died in a car crash. Fawn is still traumatized by this and always tries to keep track of her children's locations. If her husband, being as strong as he was, could be taken down by a drunk driver... Well, anything could happen. Ember's older brother quickly jumped up to the plate. Throughout his childhood, his brother would be responsible for driving him to preschool and things like gymnastics. His brother has always been shared the responsibility for taking care of Ember, but stills acts more like an older sibling than a parent. Despite the fact his brother had tossed him into the freezer once, because dang-it he was the older brother and could do what he wanted, he's fiercely protective of Ember. Eventually, Ember was recruited by Young Justice. He saw this as a perfect opportunity to pay his family back for everything they had sacrificed to raise him. And, to be honest, the whole idea sounded fun. He could meet other children like him and to just be able to be himself it was... nice. With Young Justice, there was no fear of doing something like burping out fire. It was a secure environment and sure he had to worry about things like completing missions and not missing up, but being there put a weight off of his shoulders. To quote a television character: It was the best of both worlds. At home Ember could continue being a normal student that stared in school plays and spent every free moment reading anything he could get his hands on. With Young Justice, he could roast his own marshmallows and nobody would bat an eyelash. It was awesome. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/958398]Click.[/url] [i]Height:[/i] 5'6 [i]Weight:[/i] 130 lb [b]Other:[/b] Spongebob Squarepants is the equivalent of a horror movie for him.