[i]If this one closes on me this battle is finished[/i] Brennus thought humbly, accepting his strengths and weaknesses in a battle with the huge heavily armoured Spartan. His spear had glanced off a hastily thrown down shield and slipped past, catching his opponent’s ear in that strange unpredictable way weapons are deflected. He sensed Caspus was bunching up and preparing to spin around, to what end was unclear though Brennus was quick to determine he didn’t want to be there when he carried out whatever attack he planned. Surprisingly the Spartan was still able to use his spear somehow, despite the weighty shield tugging down the point, such a feat would require incredibly strength. However, even with such strength the attack was sluggish and the Iceni warrior avoided it easily, skipping leftwards and back, allowing him the better target of his foe’s unshielded flank. The spear shot past him as he realised it had been a throw and clattered to the ground off to his right, leaving the Spartan weapon-less. So here Brennus was, facing down the charging bull, shield primed to batter his body. He held no illusions that should the Spartan collide with him his chances were limited, but the Iceni still held a spear, and the Spartan had ground to cover. Denying him the use of his shield in defending himself was the most important thing to do at that point. The Iceni had a difficult job ahead of him, trying to pierce that damned metal with a spear-point, but he had to try something. His right foot somewhat forward and his knees a little bent he settled and prepared himself, thrusting his spear with a quick jab down towards his opponent’s right thigh while he was running forward, aiming to skewer him right through the meat. No man could run with his leg impaled on a spear point… could they?