My character's name is Roberta Lee S. Jackson and she wears a Confederate overcoat and has a self built rail gun.
Crazy is best.
If she isn't driving The General Lee ala Dukes of Hazard I will fight you.
We need more people, more guys who want to just establish their own corners of dust and build the world up, more people looking to make their own sub-plots.
I've been slacking in the writing department due to personal reasons, and also season 3 of Orange is the New Black, but I'm finna start working on a post with Mono, and I've got solid framework for at least 2 characters started.
Agreed. I think an issue that many people have is that their character's aren't the type with grand machinations and are just trying to get by in the world. While that's good for conversations and character creation, it doesn't leave much in the way for grand machinations like your character's crime family expansion plans. I think @bobert778 is right and once all the new characters have been introduced we will be able to start with things like vendettas and chasing after mythical muscle beasts.