Though Caspus was certainly capable and likely to grab hold of the spear, he certainly wasn’t stopping its gruesome path through the muscle and flesh of his thigh. When the spear-head pierced his body the point would burst out the other side of his leg, and even if he managed to maintain the mental discipline to grab the spear while feeling such pain his next course of action would be rendered unlikely, if not impossible, by his wounded leg which he would need to support his kick. With Brennus firmly obtaining the upper-hand, and his opponent almost definitely pierced and debilitated by a spear point through his leg, the Iceni would happily relinquish his spear as it had served its purpose. Unfastening the sheath at his waist he would then draw the Celtic Longsword he held in reserve with a leathery rasp, and prepare to finish off his debilitated opponent.