"The guns I sell are really just an extra for me. If someone dies and I get to take the implants out, or if a bounty hunter sells me the weapons from their bounty I can just fix them up and sell them again for a slight profit. Implants and androids is where I eventually hope to make some real money." Orion explained, not wanting the two to feel pressured to tell him anything. When Jurgen commented about her being a little crazy and very violent to boot. "Hey, I reject that notion." She spoke with a smirk. "I'm not -that- violent or crazy." The threats she made were one thing, though actually going through with it was a whole other thing. Eve put the blade on the table standing in the corner, as it looked like a place where the calculations and such were done for prices. "Anyway, Jurgen already explained most of it. I don't know too much about myself either, apart from that I most likely have been activated before a long time ago." Orion thought for a few moments before speaking again. "Did you by any chance come from the sky city?" He asked. Eve shook her head, but then pointed at the dot on his forehead. "But you are, am I right? My creator Prof Nova had one of those dots too, and did say that my tech can't normally be found on the surface. So...what gives?" The man nodded. "It's only fair if I answer something too. Yes, I'm originally from the sky city. Though I was banished to the surface for going against it's government I believe. I'm not sure, as they erased most of my memory from there. I do think that your tech comes from there, though if it was stolen or created down here, I don't know. Now, one more question then. Any chance I could have a look at that body of yours?" Eve frowned, shaking her head. "That's one step too far for now. But maybe in the future. I figure I will need some kind of mechanic for maintenance if I do get to go pro in the arena, so... what better person to ask than someone that seems to at least know a bit about this tech." The man smiled. "Maybe, though the pay would have to be good." That wasn't hard. He was barely able to make ends meet. But Eve and Jurgen thinking he made a decent living could maybe get him higher payments if they did decide to work together in the future, not to mention free advertisement for his shop if she did well in the arena's. Orion turned to Jurgen again, holding out his hand to shake. "So, 400 credits it is then. Our little chat has been more than worth that discount to me."